3.1 Ad Formats: “Dress” your ads for success!
How would you like your ads served? Ban ners? Skyscrapers? Rectangles? Squares? What about borders and background colors?
The choices can be overwhelming. Many people let Google decide for thempreferring to stick with the default settings. Big mistake! From my own experience I can telI you that it’s like swapping a hundred-dollar bilI for a ten-dollar one.
For almost one year I settled for just a tenth of what I could have been making —just because I didn’t bother to control the looks and placement 0f my AdSense ads.
The various ad formats, colors and their placement on the web page can be done in thousands of combinations. You can literally spend hours every day experimenting with every possible combination. But you don’t want to, do you?
Let me give you a few ‘ground rules’ that have sky-rocketed the CTRs on my top-grossing pages:
3.2 Don’t “Look” Like An Ad
People don’t visit your website for ads. They want good content.
If you make the ads stick out with eye-popping colors, images or borders, that makes them easy to recognize as ads — and people work extra hard to avoid them.
The same goes for ads that are tucked away in the top, bottom or some other far corner of the page. So easy to ignore!
If you want people to click, make the ads look like an integral part of your content.
• Squares and rectangles can be embedded into text itself;
• Vertical ads and buttons should slip down the side of the page;
• Vertical link units should be placed next to link lists; ;1

Ads 0v 000000001e
Besutifol Wedding Dresses
Wedding guide w/inkS te stunnsiç wedder5 gowns & bridesrsad
Chineae Dreis For Weddirro
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Ail 00e erldai Gowns
Allie Bridai Gown Oavingst Smart enidal Shoppers Sien Here
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Lubbock. TX May 17.2004— Ever since you were a initie girl, you have aiways dreamed ofthat certian fairytale gown for your speciai day, quips Amande Poiler. owner of Bridai Gowns Whoieoaie. We are offening stay al home moms. as weii as bndai salons and whoiesaiers to gel in with US 10 distnibule ocr couture gowns Jennifer M - e new business owner says cf the opporlunity. “TItis s iike e dream for me, reaily
We aiso work with bndes-lo-be. Bridai Gowns Whoiesaie wiil custom make a gown for you. if you wanl e lrain lhat is2O fi ong, il in possible. jusl as we can make e gown of organza or malle salin. We are here In make your wedding day 1001 Ihal moch betterl
For addilionai informalion piease conlact Amanda Foman al 806 239.0632 or emaii fshaoacheodsv net
We can aiways ouppiy any am000l of gowns for your company.
11-vs arlicie courtesy cf bILa llwww dressesforthewedino com.
You may freeiy reprinl Ibis article on your website or in
your newsletter provided thin courlesy notice arid lIte author
Fig. 4.5 www.dressesforthewedding.com has two zones: an ad zone at the top and a free article beneath. Implementing this design increased their revenues FIVE-FOLD!
How would you like your ads served? Ban ners? Skyscrapers? Rectangles? Squares? What about borders and background colors?
The choices can be overwhelming. Many people let Google decide for thempreferring to stick with the default settings. Big mistake! From my own experience I can telI you that it’s like swapping a hundred-dollar bilI for a ten-dollar one.
For almost one year I settled for just a tenth of what I could have been making —just because I didn’t bother to control the looks and placement 0f my AdSense ads.
The various ad formats, colors and their placement on the web page can be done in thousands of combinations. You can literally spend hours every day experimenting with every possible combination. But you don’t want to, do you?
Let me give you a few ‘ground rules’ that have sky-rocketed the CTRs on my top-grossing pages:
3.2 Don’t “Look” Like An Ad
People don’t visit your website for ads. They want good content.
If you make the ads stick out with eye-popping colors, images or borders, that makes them easy to recognize as ads — and people work extra hard to avoid them.
The same goes for ads that are tucked away in the top, bottom or some other far corner of the page. So easy to ignore!
If you want people to click, make the ads look like an integral part of your content.
Today’s visitors are biind to banners, mad at pop-ups, weary of ads and skepticai of contests and giveaways. So how do you win their confidence? Simple. Don’t make your ads look like ads!
Lets begin by reviewing each of the different types of ad availabie from AdSense and expiaining their uses... then iii introduce you to a few simple choices that zoomed my CTRs to incredibie heights.
3.3 Meet the AdSense Family
Googie serves its ads in severai fiavors, with each of those fiavors coming in a range of different shapes and sizes. it is very important to understand the differences between each of these ads. Some are ideai for particular locations. Some shouid neyer be used in certain locations. And some shouid be used very rareiy—if at ail.
The sam pie page at www.google.com/adsense/adformats lets you see ail of the different kinds of ads at once. it even has iinks to sam pie placements that demonstrate how the ads can be used.
For the most part, id recommend that you ignore those sampie placements.
iii taik about location in more detail later in the book, but for now just bear in mmd that many of the ads in the sam pies are just too out of the way to be n oticed.
You can use them as a starting point if you want but you’ii save yourseif a lot of time — and money — by taking advantage of the experience of myseif and others, and foilowing the recommendations here.
3.4 Text Ads — Google’s Finest
Text ads are probabiy the types of ad that you’re most familiar with. You get a box containing one or a number of ads with a lin ked headiine, a brief description and a URL. You aiso get the “Ads by Googie” notice that appears on ail AdSense ads. (Googie changed this notice recentiy and it now biends in much better than it used to.)
Lets begin by reviewing each of the different types of ad availabie from AdSense and expiaining their uses... then iii introduce you to a few simple choices that zoomed my CTRs to incredibie heights.
3.3 Meet the AdSense Family
Googie serves its ads in severai fiavors, with each of those fiavors coming in a range of different shapes and sizes. it is very important to understand the differences between each of these ads. Some are ideai for particular locations. Some shouid neyer be used in certain locations. And some shouid be used very rareiy—if at ail.
The sam pie page at www.google.com/adsense/adformats lets you see ail of the different kinds of ads at once. it even has iinks to sam pie placements that demonstrate how the ads can be used.
For the most part, id recommend that you ignore those sampie placements.
iii taik about location in more detail later in the book, but for now just bear in mmd that many of the ads in the sam pies are just too out of the way to be n oticed.
You can use them as a starting point if you want but you’ii save yourseif a lot of time — and money — by taking advantage of the experience of myseif and others, and foilowing the recommendations here.
3.4 Text Ads — Google’s Finest
Text ads are probabiy the types of ad that you’re most familiar with. You get a box containing one or a number of ads with a lin ked headiine, a brief description and a URL. You aiso get the “Ads by Googie” notice that appears on ail AdSense ads. (Googie changed this notice recentiy and it now biends in much better than it used to.)
There are eight different types cf text ad. The most popular is probably the leaderboard. At 728 x 90, it stretches pretty much across the screen and while it can be placed anywhere, it’s mostly used at the top cf the page, above the main text.
Fig. 3.1 The leaderboard.
That’s a great location. lt’s the first thing the reader sees and it offers a good selection cf ads to choose from. When you’re just starting out and stili experimenting with the types cf ads that work best with your users, it’s a pretty good default to begin with.
0f course, you can put it in other places toc. Putting a leaderboard ad between forum entries for example can be a pretty good strategy sometimes and definitely worth trying. On the whole though, I think you’ll probably find that one of the smaller ads, such as a banner or half-banner might blend in more there and bring better results.
And I think you can often forget about putting a leaderboard at the bottom cf the page, despite what Google’s sam pies show you. It would certainly fit there but you have to be certain that people are going to reach the bottom cf the page, especially a long page. You might find that only a small minority cf readers would get that far, so you’re already reducing the percentage cf readers who would click through.
That’s a great location. lt’s the first thing the reader sees and it offers a good selection cf ads to choose from. When you’re just starting out and stili experimenting with the types cf ads that work best with your users, it’s a pretty good default to begin with.
0f course, you can put it in other places toc. Putting a leaderboard ad between forum entries for example can be a pretty good strategy sometimes and definitely worth trying. On the whole though, I think you’ll probably find that one of the smaller ads, such as a banner or half-banner might blend in more there and bring better results.
And I think you can often forget about putting a leaderboard at the bottom cf the page, despite what Google’s sam pies show you. It would certainly fit there but you have to be certain that people are going to reach the bottom cf the page, especially a long page. You might find that only a small minority cf readers would get that far, so you’re already reducing the percentage cf readers who would click through.
Overall, I ‘d say that leaderboards are most effective blended into the top of the page beneath the navigation bar and sometimes placed between forum ent ries.
Fig. 3.2 A nicely optimized hait banner on this Squidoo page
CheaD hotels Find Hotels By Price, Star | Save on Las Veaas Hotels | Oevon PA liotel Deals Shop and Compare Great De | Beach Hotels in Nenorca |
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Per5ondl Datin Coach View Singles n Your Area Or or, roobing tht wrks Ti, edge Vw Photos. Ser,d E,niI, Chat & 1M Join | | pierresmith | |
yoineed th wo.,,en Now, Pont Fret Profile net wd8bng. | Ad by Google | Pierre Smith share helpful tips and ideas secrets in dting women. Visit &so bis that give you lot of informatior, on te website wth useful datr dvçs to Iearn more on helpinQ you to have | |
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Banners (468 x 60) and half-banners (234 x 60) are much more flexible.
Like leaderboards you can certainly put these sorts of ads at the top of the page, and lots of sites do it. Again, that’s something worth trying. You can put up a leaderboard for a week or so, swap it for a banner for another week or so, and compare the resu Its.
Like leaderboards you can certainly put these sorts of ads at the top of the page, and lots of sites do it. Again, that’s something worth trying. You can put up a leaderboard for a week or so, swap it for a banner for another week or so, and compare the resu Its.
Fig. 3.3 A banner and a hait-banner.
But at the top of the page, Id expect the leaderboard to do better.
A banner or a half-banner would leave too much space on one side and make the ad stand out. It would look like you’ve set aside an area of the page for advertising instead of for content. That would alert the reader that that section of the page is one that they can just ignore.
When you’re looking for an ad to put in the middle of the page though, a half-banner can be just the ticket.
While a leaderboard will stretch over the sidebars of your site, just like the navigation bar, a 234 x 60 half-banner will fit neatly into the text space on most sites.
This sort of ad should be your default option for the end of articles and the bottom of blog entries.
But for the most part, stay away from the 468 x 60 banner ad block!
One of the first things people do when they sign up for AdSense is to grab a 468 x 60 ad block. That’s a BIG mistake.
I have a theory about why they do this. lt’s the same theory that explains why the 468 x 60 block does not entice clicks.
But at the top of the page, Id expect the leaderboard to do better.
A banner or a half-banner would leave too much space on one side and make the ad stand out. It would look like you’ve set aside an area of the page for advertising instead of for content. That would alert the reader that that section of the page is one that they can just ignore.
When you’re looking for an ad to put in the middle of the page though, a half-banner can be just the ticket.
While a leaderboard will stretch over the sidebars of your site, just like the navigation bar, a 234 x 60 half-banner will fit neatly into the text space on most sites.
This sort of ad should be your default option for the end of articles and the bottom of blog entries.
But for the most part, stay away from the 468 x 60 banner ad block!
One of the first things people do when they sign up for AdSense is to grab a 468 x 60 ad block. That’s a BIG mistake.
I have a theory about why they do this. lt’s the same theory that explains why the 468 x 60 block does not entice clicks.
Cheap hotels Find Hotels B? Price Star Ratirig | Or | Save | on Las Vegas Hotels |
Amazng Las Vegas hotel discounts. | |||
Location. Cheap hotels | | EasiI | book vour room toda. IAdsbYL.&’ |
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Find Hotels By Price, Star Rating | Or | | |
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Most site owners have the mindset that when they put Google ads on their site, they must place the code that conforms most to traditional web advertising. And that would be...? Yup, the 468 x 60, the ubiquitous banner format that we have ail come to know and love and... IGNORE.
Everyone is familiar with the 468 x 60. And that’s exactiy why the clickthrough rate on this size is very iow, even among advertisers who use images on their banners.
The 468 x 60 biocks screams, “Hey! I am an advertisement! Whatever you do, DON’T click me. in fact, you shouid run from me as fast as you can!”
in ail but a few speciai cases, I have found the 468 x 60 ad biock to be compieteiy ineffective, and recommend ignoring it the same way your visitors do.
Now, that doesn’t mean you can neyer use it. You just have to know what you’re doing and do it smartiy. You have to do everything you can to make sure that that ad block looks absolutely flot hing like a tradition al banner ad.
At my site, WoridViiiage.com, i’ve done that by surrounding the ad with text. Because there’s no border around the unit, the ads biend into the text and look aimost as they’re a part of the article.
if I had ieft that unit in the middie of some empty space — at the top of the page for exam pie — it wouid have iooked exactiy like the sort of banner that users have trained themseives to avoid. it wouidn’t have picked up any clicks at ail.
(Note, I couid probabiy have used a haif-banner here too but in generai, I like to give my users as wide a choice of ads to click as possible.)
Whiie this use of a 468 x 60 works for me — and it can work for you too if you biend it into the page properiy — id stick to other formats, like the, haifbanner if you’re not 100 percent sure that you can pull it off.
When this ad unit fails, it can fail big.
Googie aiso offers six different kinds of rectangular ads: buttons (125 x
125), small rectangles (180 x 150), medium rectangles (300 x 250),
large rectangles (336 x 280), and two sizes of squares 250 x 250 and 200
x 200.
in fact, ail of the rectangles can be siotted into the same spots on the page... with the exception of the button.
Everyone is familiar with the 468 x 60. And that’s exactiy why the clickthrough rate on this size is very iow, even among advertisers who use images on their banners.
The 468 x 60 biocks screams, “Hey! I am an advertisement! Whatever you do, DON’T click me. in fact, you shouid run from me as fast as you can!”
in ail but a few speciai cases, I have found the 468 x 60 ad biock to be compieteiy ineffective, and recommend ignoring it the same way your visitors do.
Now, that doesn’t mean you can neyer use it. You just have to know what you’re doing and do it smartiy. You have to do everything you can to make sure that that ad block looks absolutely flot hing like a tradition al banner ad.
At my site, WoridViiiage.com, i’ve done that by surrounding the ad with text. Because there’s no border around the unit, the ads biend into the text and look aimost as they’re a part of the article.
if I had ieft that unit in the middie of some empty space — at the top of the page for exam pie — it wouid have iooked exactiy like the sort of banner that users have trained themseives to avoid. it wouidn’t have picked up any clicks at ail.
(Note, I couid probabiy have used a haif-banner here too but in generai, I like to give my users as wide a choice of ads to click as possible.)
Whiie this use of a 468 x 60 works for me — and it can work for you too if you biend it into the page properiy — id stick to other formats, like the, haifbanner if you’re not 100 percent sure that you can pull it off.
When this ad unit fails, it can fail big.
Googie aiso offers six different kinds of rectangular ads: buttons (125 x
125), small rectangles (180 x 150), medium rectangles (300 x 250),
large rectangles (336 x 280), and two sizes of squares 250 x 250 and 200
x 200.
in fact, ail of the rectangles can be siotted into the same spots on the page... with the exception of the button.
Fig. 3.4 Banner ads at WorldVillae.corn. Note how the ad links corne irnrnediately after an article link so that the ads look like part of the site.
Probably the most com mon use cf rectangles is at the beginning cf articles. You can wrap the text around the ad, forcing the reader to look at it if he wants to read the article. That’s very effective.
But you can really put these sorts cf ads anywhere on the page. On my site, DealOfDay.com, l’ve put two rectangular ads right at the top of the page so that they take up the bulk of the space the user sees before he starts to scroll. That’s a very aggressive approach that might not work on every site. lt’s worth trying though because if it works for you, you can find that it brings in great revenues.
If you’re wondering which size of ad would be best for the position you’ve got in mmd, my advice is to start with the large rectangle, the 336 x 280.
Probably the most com mon use cf rectangles is at the beginning cf articles. You can wrap the text around the ad, forcing the reader to look at it if he wants to read the article. That’s very effective.
But you can really put these sorts cf ads anywhere on the page. On my site, DealOfDay.com, l’ve put two rectangular ads right at the top of the page so that they take up the bulk of the space the user sees before he starts to scroll. That’s a very aggressive approach that might not work on every site. lt’s worth trying though because if it works for you, you can find that it brings in great revenues.
If you’re wondering which size of ad would be best for the position you’ve got in mmd, my advice is to start with the large rectangle, the 336 x 280.
Fig. 3.5 Srnall, rnediurn and large rectangles... and the square.
Why should you choose the 336 x 280 ad block? Simple. It gets the most clicks! My studies have shown that this format looks most like real content added to a page. l’ve dabbled with every size Google offers and this is the size that consistently has the best results. Other people have told me the exact same thing. That’s ail I need to know!
Second best is the 300 x 250 rectangle.
The Grand Canyon Skywalk
Digg It! It’s DeI.icio.us! Fun It!
Last time I visited Arizona. I had
the pleasure 0f visiting the Grand
Skywalk Grand Canyon Canyon.
Find and book tours ta the Grand Canyon
Skywalk on Viator Undoubtedly. one ofthe most
iatc om moving expenences of my life.
there is absolutely nothing on the
face ofthe earth that compares to
standing on the edge ofthe
Grand Canyon Tours canyon face and looking down
Tours Leaving From Las Vegas to Grand Canyon one mile into it s deep. deep
South Rim $89! enormity It was an experience
3andTours. that actually moved me to tears.
(Hey. when you spend the
majority of your life on the plains.
ps oy Google natural beauty is a rare thing’)
After years of construction. the
Hualapai indians are getting ready ta unveil the grand opening ofthe Grand Canyon
Skvwalk. a cjlass bottom structure that ‘uts out 70 feet into the canyon. 4000 feet above
Fig. 3.6 A typical use of a rectangle embedded into the text at www.joelcomm.com
This ad block size is really useful when you want to have two sets of ads side by side. They fit on most web pages just perfectly.
You have I message wating for you. IL 11 Shopping Serazh
Ads by G0000000ie Adyeltse on ih s4e Ads by Gooooooo Mvertw.e on 1113 se
ree Uovie - Po. John cii i. DVI).
r Reçoive F,ee Move Rent&s v,flep order Papa Jaillis Pna DVDS vioottne profany graph!c M&€flC. nudty orsaxuaI
• Oa y Wpnner.
Todayswh,nerI .d.Sflfij3fl
C}ir:k he.e
• Sae,nneywtlafreo çopon eto yr favor*e onIelo1ore feo or shp
AdsbvGoocje UoviesGames&Adult
Ga Cou on Codes U,.lite 3 ot & 10 It feo Sterbr,g t $82S fr01,1 InteIflo SOOG Sur?
• Tke A Gp SrveyAr,d Go4 P 530Œ Tho Noxt 15 Mfrute’
OVO Rentais
Top 10 DUO Rentais C1eenliok oTts OVD
New DVD Rntai OVO, wioitth profny, grphvIoe. rndy n xI Sh,o the GAI’ Free Sl
Exres soon oor,tent. S1e,1 ftN rht wh new fhon L1,tedfll,,e Ony. Ad Now
Recent Deals -
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Great Oeak at Overstock.com! Get Paid to Take Surveys! Buy.com Deal of the Da’
Second best is the 300 x 250 rectangle.
The Grand Canyon Skywalk
Digg It! It’s DeI.icio.us! Fun It!
Last time I visited Arizona. I had
the pleasure 0f visiting the Grand
Skywalk Grand Canyon Canyon.
Find and book tours ta the Grand Canyon
Skywalk on Viator Undoubtedly. one ofthe most
iatc om moving expenences of my life.
there is absolutely nothing on the
face ofthe earth that compares to
standing on the edge ofthe
Grand Canyon Tours canyon face and looking down
Tours Leaving From Las Vegas to Grand Canyon one mile into it s deep. deep
South Rim $89! enormity It was an experience
3andTours. that actually moved me to tears.
(Hey. when you spend the
majority of your life on the plains.
ps oy Google natural beauty is a rare thing’)
After years of construction. the
Hualapai indians are getting ready ta unveil the grand opening ofthe Grand Canyon
Skvwalk. a cjlass bottom structure that ‘uts out 70 feet into the canyon. 4000 feet above
Fig. 3.6 A typical use of a rectangle embedded into the text at www.joelcomm.com
This ad block size is really useful when you want to have two sets of ads side by side. They fit on most web pages just perfectly.
You have I message wating for you. IL 11 Shopping Serazh
Ads by G0000000ie Adyeltse on ih s4e Ads by Gooooooo Mvertw.e on 1113 se
ree Uovie - Po. John cii i. DVI).
r Reçoive F,ee Move Rent&s v,flep order Papa Jaillis Pna DVDS vioottne profany graph!c M&€flC. nudty orsaxuaI
• Oa y Wpnner.
Todayswh,nerI .d.Sflfij3fl
C}ir:k he.e
• Sae,nneywtlafreo çopon eto yr favor*e onIelo1ore feo or shp
AdsbvGoocje UoviesGames&Adult
Ga Cou on Codes U,.lite 3 ot & 10 It feo Sterbr,g t $82S fr01,1 InteIflo SOOG Sur?
• Tke A Gp SrveyAr,d Go4 P 530Œ Tho Noxt 15 Mfrute’
OVO Rentais
Top 10 DUO Rentais C1eenliok oTts OVD
New DVD Rntai OVO, wioitth profny, grphvIoe. rndy n xI Sh,o the GAI’ Free Sl
Exres soon oor,tent. S1e,1 ftN rht wh new fhon L1,tedfll,,e Ony. Ad Now
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Great Oeak at Overstock.com! Get Paid to Take Surveys! Buy.com Deal of the Da’
Fig. 3.7 ... and an atypical use of two rectangles at Dealofdav.com.
Buttons should generally be used in a different way to other rectangles. Like the half-banners, they’re distinctive for their small size. While that means you could slot them in anywhere, I think they work best when slipped into the sidebars.
For exam pie, you rnight have a list of links to frequently-read articles or other sites on one side of your page. Putting a button ad at the end of a list like that could help it to blend in well.
The final types of text ads are those that run vertically. These corne in three sizes: skyscraper (120 x 600), wide skyscraper (160 x 600) and vertical banner (120 x 240).
Clearly, these are useful options for filling up the sides of the page.
I would also recornrnend using the ‘wide skyscraper’, text-only ads on the right hand edge of the screen — in conjunction with the 3-Way Matching I discuss later in the book.
If you think about it, nearly ail PC users are right handed (even left-handed people like rne control their rnouse with their right hand because it’s how we were ‘brought up’ to use a rnouse.) By placing the ads on the right hand edge it’s psychologically ‘less distance’ between your right hand and the screen.
This ‘closeness’ in rny opinion rnakes the user feel rnore cornfortable and therefore rnore likely to click through to a link. They feel rnore in control of their visit experience.
On the whole, you can often divide sites into those that have plenty of content at the sides (especially on sorne blogs), and those that have nothing on the sides (like at JoelCornrn.corn).
I think putting vertical ads in space 50 that they forrn the border of the rnain text rnakes the page look a lot cleaner. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to get more clicks. If you’re putting a vertical banner in an area where you have other content then just rnake sure, as always, that you blend thern in well SO that they look like the rest of your content.
3.5 Image Ads — Built To Be I gnored
Text ads should always be your first pick when you start to load up your site. Irnage ads should always be your last choice.
Buttons should generally be used in a different way to other rectangles. Like the half-banners, they’re distinctive for their small size. While that means you could slot them in anywhere, I think they work best when slipped into the sidebars.
For exam pie, you rnight have a list of links to frequently-read articles or other sites on one side of your page. Putting a button ad at the end of a list like that could help it to blend in well.
The final types of text ads are those that run vertically. These corne in three sizes: skyscraper (120 x 600), wide skyscraper (160 x 600) and vertical banner (120 x 240).
Clearly, these are useful options for filling up the sides of the page.
I would also recornrnend using the ‘wide skyscraper’, text-only ads on the right hand edge of the screen — in conjunction with the 3-Way Matching I discuss later in the book.
If you think about it, nearly ail PC users are right handed (even left-handed people like rne control their rnouse with their right hand because it’s how we were ‘brought up’ to use a rnouse.) By placing the ads on the right hand edge it’s psychologically ‘less distance’ between your right hand and the screen.
This ‘closeness’ in rny opinion rnakes the user feel rnore cornfortable and therefore rnore likely to click through to a link. They feel rnore in control of their visit experience.
On the whole, you can often divide sites into those that have plenty of content at the sides (especially on sorne blogs), and those that have nothing on the sides (like at JoelCornrn.corn).
I think putting vertical ads in space 50 that they forrn the border of the rnain text rnakes the page look a lot cleaner. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to get more clicks. If you’re putting a vertical banner in an area where you have other content then just rnake sure, as always, that you blend thern in well SO that they look like the rest of your content.
3.5 Image Ads — Built To Be I gnored
Text ads should always be your first pick when you start to load up your site. Irnage ads should always be your last choice.
A text ad offers many advantages over image ads:
A. With the right formatting, a text ad ‘blends in’ with your site content. An image ad will not give you the same freedom with its appearance, as the only thing you can play with is the size and position ing.
B. You can squeeze more text ads into the space that a conventional banner takes. People love to have more choices!
C. Properly formatted text ads don’t look like clutter. Banners do!
D. People hate banners and avoid them at sight. Many tests confirm that people are much more receptive to text ads related with your content.
I just can’t think 0f a reason why anyone would want to take an image ad from Google. Text ads perform so much better, in my opinion, you’re better off sticking with those and ignoring image ads altogether.
Fig. 3.8 This banner ad stands out, but will it get clicked? Dave Taylor, best-selling technology writer and AdSense partner, stands up for text ads in this article at:
http: //www.free-web- money.com/000449. html
You can read more of his AdSense articles on this page.
B. You can squeeze more text ads into the space that a conventional banner takes. People love to have more choices!
C. Properly formatted text ads don’t look like clutter. Banners do!
D. People hate banners and avoid them at sight. Many tests confirm that people are much more receptive to text ads related with your content.
I just can’t think 0f a reason why anyone would want to take an image ad from Google. Text ads perform so much better, in my opinion, you’re better off sticking with those and ignoring image ads altogether.
Fig. 3.8 This banner ad stands out, but will it get clicked? Dave Taylor, best-selling technology writer and AdSense partner, stands up for text ads in this article at:
http: //www.free-web- money.com/000449. html
You can read more of his AdSense articles on this page.
Ive experimerited and I can teil you that these two steps (putting the ad in the middle of the content and removing any overt border colors) can at Ieast double your click thru rate (or CTR) and that means that you’U be making more money with the same number of visitors. And that’s a good thing.
So Iet’s have a look at how to do this.
First off, have a look at the different ad formats. Most people seem to go with the default ‘banner” format ads, which is too bad: after the Iast few years of surfing, I think people have been trained to ignore these banner adverts. Even the spiffy new graphical banners, like this
Trave1in• Dos. net I
Travef.arand acceories for our dog. —.
how you can get creative with the placement. Also, if you’re going to have an eaders and have a Iayout that has at Ieast four ads, if flot five? ReaIly, the one-ad ie an ad at ail, why flot maximize the chance it’II have something of interest to your
So Iet’s have a look at how to do this.
First off, have a look at the different ad formats. Most people seem to go with the default ‘banner” format ads, which is too bad: after the Iast few years of surfing, I think people have been trained to ignore these banner adverts. Even the spiffy new graphical banners, like this
Trave1in• Dos. net I
Travef.arand acceories for our dog. —.
how you can get creative with the placement. Also, if you’re going to have an eaders and have a Iayout that has at Ieast four ads, if flot five? ReaIly, the one-ad ie an ad at ail, why flot maximize the chance it’II have something of interest to your
3.6 Video Ads
There is however, one type cf image ad that you should welcome on your website: Google’s new video ads.
These are an excellent addition to Google’s inventory and for sites that get them, they can bring very impressive returns.
I nstead cf receiving the sort cf static image that just gets ignored, you’II receive the opening stili cf an online video. The video is stored on Google’s servers so your download times won’t be affected, and it only plays when the user clicks the Play button, minimizing distraction to the user.
That’s a good thing. If a user’s eyes keep drifting to a moving image when he’s trying to read your content, he’s going to get pretty frustrated and not want to come back.
h. I www.eumpIe.con
Fig. 3.9 Play-per-click: a scene from Google’s sample video ad.
And it’s fine too if you’re being paid on a CPM basis; you won’t care then how often someone sees the video. But you’re not always paid on a CPM basis; you might also be paid on a CPC basis.
Unlike Google’s other ad formats though. you won’t be paid for just one click. Users first have to click the Play button—which won’t pay you a dime—and then click either the screen while it’s playing or the link underneath the screen before you’ll earn money.
In fact, you can’t even track the number of times the film is shown. (Although that does mean that you can watch the film yourself without getting rude messages from Google, and it also means that CPC advertisers are less likely to get free branding at the expense of your page space.)
(4I ;1 There is however, one type cf image ad that you should welcome on your website: Google’s new video ads.
These are an excellent addition to Google’s inventory and for sites that get them, they can bring very impressive returns.
I nstead cf receiving the sort cf static image that just gets ignored, you’II receive the opening stili cf an online video. The video is stored on Google’s servers so your download times won’t be affected, and it only plays when the user clicks the Play button, minimizing distraction to the user.
That’s a good thing. If a user’s eyes keep drifting to a moving image when he’s trying to read your content, he’s going to get pretty frustrated and not want to come back.
h. I www.eumpIe.con
Fig. 3.9 Play-per-click: a scene from Google’s sample video ad.
And it’s fine too if you’re being paid on a CPM basis; you won’t care then how often someone sees the video. But you’re not always paid on a CPM basis; you might also be paid on a CPC basis.
Unlike Google’s other ad formats though. you won’t be paid for just one click. Users first have to click the Play button—which won’t pay you a dime—and then click either the screen while it’s playing or the link underneath the screen before you’ll earn money.
In fact, you can’t even track the number of times the film is shown. (Although that does mean that you can watch the film yourself without getting rude messages from Google, and it also means that CPC advertisers are less likely to get free branding at the expense of your page space.)
That extra step might sound like it’s going to hit your clickthrough rate for that ad unit but I ‘m not sure that’s true.
As soon as someone sees a button anywhere, they want to click it. I n fact, 1m sure that if you put a big notice next to the Play button saying, “DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON” you can be sure that your clicks would go through the roof. (But don’t try it; it’s unlikely that Google will appreciate it.)
People will want to click that Play button, and many of them will want to learn more about the company that created the ad. And even if your CTR does drop for that unit, it’s likely that the click price for video ads will be higher than for other units competing for that space.
Video ads are more expensive to create than text or image ads. That’s why they tend to be created by big companies like car giants or Disney. They might even be offering their television ads. If those corporations have gone to the trouble creating an original video ad or formatting a television ad for the Web, there’s a great chance that they’ll go to the trouble of outbidding their nearest rival for exposure.
If you’re getting a video ad, track how long it appears on that page and compare the revenues it brings with the days on which no video ad appeared. You should expect to see a spike in earnings. If you don’t see that spike, you can always opt out.
Unlike text or image ads though, there’s no guarantee you’re going to get a video ad. To qualify, you have to be opted in to receive image ads on an ad unit in one of these three sizes:
• Medium Rectangle (300 X 250)
• Large Rectangle (336 X 280)
• Square (250 X 250)
(lt’s worth noting that with video ads, the bigger the format, the better the resu Its).
If you’re receiving those kinds of image ads and AdSense has a video ad to match your content, you might receive one.
But what if you don’t? You’ll be receiving the sort of image ads that earn a poor clickthrough rate. That would cost you money.
There are two things that you can do to minimize any losses from fishing for video ads and not getting them.
As soon as someone sees a button anywhere, they want to click it. I n fact, 1m sure that if you put a big notice next to the Play button saying, “DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON” you can be sure that your clicks would go through the roof. (But don’t try it; it’s unlikely that Google will appreciate it.)
People will want to click that Play button, and many of them will want to learn more about the company that created the ad. And even if your CTR does drop for that unit, it’s likely that the click price for video ads will be higher than for other units competing for that space.
Video ads are more expensive to create than text or image ads. That’s why they tend to be created by big companies like car giants or Disney. They might even be offering their television ads. If those corporations have gone to the trouble creating an original video ad or formatting a television ad for the Web, there’s a great chance that they’ll go to the trouble of outbidding their nearest rival for exposure.
If you’re getting a video ad, track how long it appears on that page and compare the revenues it brings with the days on which no video ad appeared. You should expect to see a spike in earnings. If you don’t see that spike, you can always opt out.
Unlike text or image ads though, there’s no guarantee you’re going to get a video ad. To qualify, you have to be opted in to receive image ads on an ad unit in one of these three sizes:
• Medium Rectangle (300 X 250)
• Large Rectangle (336 X 280)
• Square (250 X 250)
(lt’s worth noting that with video ads, the bigger the format, the better the resu Its).
If you’re receiving those kinds of image ads and AdSense has a video ad to match your content, you might receive one.
But what if you don’t? You’ll be receiving the sort of image ads that earn a poor clickthrough rate. That would cost you money.
There are two things that you can do to minimize any losses from fishing for video ads and not getting them.
The first is to stop fishing fast. If a week has gone by and your image ad unit hasn’t acquired a Play button, it’s probably not going to. So turn that image ad back into a text ad.
The second is to follow the strategy I use at DealofDay.com. I ‘ve placed two rectangular ads at the top of the page to make them unmissable but one of them is an image ad.
Google no longer allows publishers to place related images right next to ad units to draw attention to them but you put an image ad next to a text ad. If that image ad becomes a video ad, you’re going to earn more money. If it stays an image ad, it’s going to pull eyes into your ad zone.
This is about the only time I can think ofwhen an image ad might be better than a text ad.
And when you do get video ads, there are also a couple of things that you can do to make the most of them...
Adding video to your Web pages for example, is a breeze. There are millions of clips available for free use on the Web, and there’s nothing to stop you from shooting your own short.
If your site regularly receives a video ad from AdSense, placing one or two more videos on those pages would help the ad blend into the site and increase clicks.
You cou Id also encourage advertisers to build their own video ads specifically for your site. In Chapter 6, I talk about Google’s “Advertise on this site” feature and recommend that you make use of the landing page to help advertisers create effective ads for your site. You cou Id also add a line or two there about video ads.
Video ads are still fairly new on AdSense, but 1m really excited about them. I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more of them in the future and they’re going to really prove their worth.
3.7 Link Units — Great Little Stocking Fillers
An ad format that has already proved its worth, when used correctly, is link u n its.
If you’ve ever bought Christmas presents for children, you’ve probably bought stocking fillers. You dole out hundreds of bucks on some state-of-theart electronic gizmo, toss in a couple of toy cars that cost a dollar each just
The second is to follow the strategy I use at DealofDay.com. I ‘ve placed two rectangular ads at the top of the page to make them unmissable but one of them is an image ad.
Google no longer allows publishers to place related images right next to ad units to draw attention to them but you put an image ad next to a text ad. If that image ad becomes a video ad, you’re going to earn more money. If it stays an image ad, it’s going to pull eyes into your ad zone.
This is about the only time I can think ofwhen an image ad might be better than a text ad.
And when you do get video ads, there are also a couple of things that you can do to make the most of them...
Adding video to your Web pages for example, is a breeze. There are millions of clips available for free use on the Web, and there’s nothing to stop you from shooting your own short.
If your site regularly receives a video ad from AdSense, placing one or two more videos on those pages would help the ad blend into the site and increase clicks.
You cou Id also encourage advertisers to build their own video ads specifically for your site. In Chapter 6, I talk about Google’s “Advertise on this site” feature and recommend that you make use of the landing page to help advertisers create effective ads for your site. You cou Id also add a line or two there about video ads.
Video ads are still fairly new on AdSense, but 1m really excited about them. I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more of them in the future and they’re going to really prove their worth.
3.7 Link Units — Great Little Stocking Fillers
An ad format that has already proved its worth, when used correctly, is link u n its.
If you’ve ever bought Christmas presents for children, you’ve probably bought stocking fillers. You dole out hundreds of bucks on some state-of-theart electronic gizmo, toss in a couple of toy cars that cost a dollar each just
to fui up space and give the kid more to unwrap... then watch him spend 90 percent of his time playing with the car that cost 10 percent of your total gift budget.
Ad Link units have the potential to be equally profitable.
They’re very small, almost unnoticeable... but when used well, they can be extremely effective.
Ad Link units let you place a box on your site that contains four or five links. They come in sizes ranging from 20 x 90 to 200 x 90, and are really meant to be placed on a sidebar.
Because you can place both Ad Link units as well as other ad units on the page, you might find that the choice helps: if a user doesn’t spot something interesting in one type of ad block, he might spot it on another.
Where Ad Links differ from other types of ads is that they only display a list of topics that Google believes are relevant to the content of your pages. They don’t display the ads themselves. When a visitor clicks on a topic, Google pops up a new window with targeted ads.
It can be argued that the Ad Links are ineffective because like video ads, people have to go through two clicks in order for you to get paid. That’s right, once again, you’re only getting paid for the second click (but that does mean you can check to see which ads your users are being served.)
But it can also be argued that if someone is ___________________ taking the time to click on a topic then they are
Ads by Gooqe
probably very interested in the link, and are KidsHumour
likely to click an actual advertisement on the Obese Kids
resulting page. Some people have found that BooksforKds
just about everyone who clicks on an Ad Link will ObeseChiidren click on the ads that appear on the next page. MyWorIdVîIIage
My Mailbox
I have tested Ad Links on multiple sites and have MyCalendar
My Bookmarks
seen vast differences in results. That makes it MyHsto
more difficult to say whether or not they are for MyProfile
you. MyFriendS
In the first case, I placed the Ad Links on an Fig. 3:10 Acunningly disguised link unit at
information-based site with a very general Worldvillage.com.
audience. The results were nothing to write
home about. Let’s just say that you could just about buy a large candy bar with the CPM I saw.
Ad Link units have the potential to be equally profitable.
They’re very small, almost unnoticeable... but when used well, they can be extremely effective.
Ad Link units let you place a box on your site that contains four or five links. They come in sizes ranging from 20 x 90 to 200 x 90, and are really meant to be placed on a sidebar.
Because you can place both Ad Link units as well as other ad units on the page, you might find that the choice helps: if a user doesn’t spot something interesting in one type of ad block, he might spot it on another.
Where Ad Links differ from other types of ads is that they only display a list of topics that Google believes are relevant to the content of your pages. They don’t display the ads themselves. When a visitor clicks on a topic, Google pops up a new window with targeted ads.
It can be argued that the Ad Links are ineffective because like video ads, people have to go through two clicks in order for you to get paid. That’s right, once again, you’re only getting paid for the second click (but that does mean you can check to see which ads your users are being served.)
But it can also be argued that if someone is ___________________ taking the time to click on a topic then they are
Ads by Gooqe
probably very interested in the link, and are KidsHumour
likely to click an actual advertisement on the Obese Kids
resulting page. Some people have found that BooksforKds
just about everyone who clicks on an Ad Link will ObeseChiidren click on the ads that appear on the next page. MyWorIdVîIIage
My Mailbox
I have tested Ad Links on multiple sites and have MyCalendar
My Bookmarks
seen vast differences in results. That makes it MyHsto
more difficult to say whether or not they are for MyProfile
you. MyFriendS
In the first case, I placed the Ad Links on an Fig. 3:10 Acunningly disguised link unit at
information-based site with a very general Worldvillage.com.
audience. The results were nothing to write
home about. Let’s just say that you could just about buy a large candy bar with the CPM I saw.
In the second case, I placed the Ad Links on a product specific site with a narrow audience. The resuits were fantastic! We’re taiking about a CPM that is greater than what sorneone rnight make flipping burgers in one day.
The conclusions should be obvious. If you’re going to use an Ad Links unit carnpaign. You need to put them:
1. On a site w ith a specific field of interest. A general site will give you general ads — and few clicks.
2. Above the fold with few other Iinks. For Ad Links, this is crucial: If your users are going to click a link, it should be a link that gives you rnoney.
lt’s also a good idea to keep your Ad Link units for sites with high-paying keywords. If sorneone cornes to your site seeking out inforrnation or a product on a top-notch keyword, they tend to be rnore likely to click as a result.
There are two kinds of link units: vertical units and horizontal units. Vertical link units are great slotted into sidebars. They just look like a natural extension of the link list.
But horizontal link units can be at least as effective. Since they were introduced, they really have becorne an extrernely useful tool.
Sorne users have reported increases in CTR as high as 200 percent using these units!
lnstead of piling the links one on top of the other—which is great for putting above lists of links but stand out too clearly when placed in text—the horizontal ads blend in perfectly when placed on pages with articles.
New! (468x15) Displays up to 5 Iinks
Meade ETX Celestron ,Ieade LXD7E !e
New! (468x15_4) Displays up to 4 Iinks
Telescones Meade ETX Celestron Meade ETX-7OAT
New (728x15) Displays up to 5 Iinks
Aede TescoDes Refractor T&escooes Meade ETX Ceestron TescoDe Reflector Telescope
New! (728x15_4) Displays up to 4 Iinks
Ileade Te!escopes Ceestron Telescopes RefractorTelescoDes Cassepran Telescopes
Fig. 3.11 Horizontal Ad Link units are great for inserting into articles and show very clearly which keywords your site is generating.
The conclusions should be obvious. If you’re going to use an Ad Links unit carnpaign. You need to put them:
1. On a site w ith a specific field of interest. A general site will give you general ads — and few clicks.
2. Above the fold with few other Iinks. For Ad Links, this is crucial: If your users are going to click a link, it should be a link that gives you rnoney.
lt’s also a good idea to keep your Ad Link units for sites with high-paying keywords. If sorneone cornes to your site seeking out inforrnation or a product on a top-notch keyword, they tend to be rnore likely to click as a result.
There are two kinds of link units: vertical units and horizontal units. Vertical link units are great slotted into sidebars. They just look like a natural extension of the link list.
But horizontal link units can be at least as effective. Since they were introduced, they really have becorne an extrernely useful tool.
Sorne users have reported increases in CTR as high as 200 percent using these units!
lnstead of piling the links one on top of the other—which is great for putting above lists of links but stand out too clearly when placed in text—the horizontal ads blend in perfectly when placed on pages with articles.
New! (468x15) Displays up to 5 Iinks
Meade ETX Celestron ,Ieade LXD7E !e
New! (468x15_4) Displays up to 4 Iinks
Telescones Meade ETX Celestron Meade ETX-7OAT
New (728x15) Displays up to 5 Iinks
Aede TescoDes Refractor T&escooes Meade ETX Ceestron TescoDe Reflector Telescope
New! (728x15_4) Displays up to 4 Iinks
Ileade Te!escopes Ceestron Telescopes RefractorTelescoDes Cassepran Telescopes
Fig. 3.11 Horizontal Ad Link units are great for inserting into articles and show very clearly which keywords your site is generating.
You can stili only use one Ad Link unit per page and users stili have to click twice before you get paid but they’re definitely worth slipping into a long article. You probably shouldn’t put them at the bottom of a page where they’ll be very easy to miss, but there are plenty of other places where these sorts of ads can work very, very well.
For example, a horizontal ad unit can be a great alternative to a leaderboard. lt’s much more subtle and takes up less space on the page — definitely something to experiment with to see which of the two brings you the highest reven ues.
Or you could use them to separate forum or blog entries. As a horizontal unit, they can be very effective as frames that give people somewhere easy to go when they reach the end of a text unit.
One great use for horizontal link units though is on directory pages. If you have a Web page that contains tables of links, slipping a horizontal link unit above or below them — or both — can make the ads look like a part of the directory.
It almost makes you want to build a directory just to try it out!
BetaNewsNjForum _____ I
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For example, a horizontal ad unit can be a great alternative to a leaderboard. lt’s much more subtle and takes up less space on the page — definitely something to experiment with to see which of the two brings you the highest reven ues.
Or you could use them to separate forum or blog entries. As a horizontal unit, they can be very effective as frames that give people somewhere easy to go when they reach the end of a text unit.
One great use for horizontal link units though is on directory pages. If you have a Web page that contains tables of links, slipping a horizontal link unit above or below them — or both — can make the ads look like a part of the directory.
It almost makes you want to build a directory just to try it out!
BetaNewsNjForum _____ I
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Search: Ail Articles [ Search ] f4 Subrnit News dJ teIp Newswire
Top Stones
HD DVD MaRes American
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HD DVD MaRes American
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Cisco Becomes a Microsoft Competitor With twa new Cisco buyouts —
storage appliance producer (1
NeoPatfl and collaboration software
developer WebEx — Cisco appears
building out. AM analysts believe
notjustto be building up but
Microsofl may be on notice. I ‘L
Cisco Becomes a Microsoft Competitor With twa new Cisco buyouts —
storage appliance producer (1
NeoPatfl and collaboration software
developer WebEx — Cisco appears
building out. AM analysts believe
notjustto be building up but
Microsofl may be on notice. I ‘L
Discussion Software
News Software NewsQrou Sam Usenet Ssm _________________
L’ In ts Iawsuit aQainst Google.
Viacom flot only alleges that YouTube is uiIty 0f massive
copyright infringement, but t
________ accuses YouTube 0f actually
reproducing and posfing
some unauthoriz.ed content itself.
L’ In ts Iawsuit aQainst Google.
Viacom flot only alleges that YouTube is uiIty 0f massive
copyright infringement, but t
________ accuses YouTube 0f actually
reproducing and posfing
some unauthoriz.ed content itself.
Fig. 3.12 A horizontal link unit at the top of the page at BetaNews.com. Would a leaderboard have produced better revenues in that position? Again, something that can easily be tested.
3.8 Expanded Text Ads — Shrinking Control Or Expanded I ncome?
Take a look at the ad format samples on the AdSense site and you’ll see a bunch of squares and rectangles filled with ads. Most of those ad units will contain more than one ad. On those units that do contain just the one ad, like the button or the half-banner, the ad will filI the space neatly and look pretty subtle.
You might be surprised then to put a skyscraper or a leaderboard on your site and find just one giant ad, written in super-sized text.
AIl the effort you’ve put into picking the right ad for your site, testing to see which formats work best and calculating which will give you the most clicks will have gone right out of the window.
You’ve prepared your site to serve multiple ads that look like content, and instead you’re handing out a single ad that just screams “Dont click me!”
This can happen sometimes, but it’s
not a reason to panic. It might even AdscvGooIe
be a reason to celebrate.
There are two possible reasons that
Google is sending you these How to ‘dVrite Killer Ads
expanded text ads.
Free 14 Point Formula Revealed by
The first possible reason is that America’sHighestPaidAdWriter
you’ve been keyword-targeted.
IIflqTHr m-n I -tur LflI
Google keeps track of your resu Its - - - -
(just like you should be doing) and
tries to serve up the number of ads __________________________________
for your page that will bring in the Fig. 3.13 You can’t miss that! An
highest amount of income. That expanded text ad strikes
might be four ads in a unit. Or just JoelComm.com.
the one.
Frankly, I ‘m a touch skeptical that showing one ad is going to bring me more revenues than showing several. But I ‘m prepared to give AdSense the benefit of the doubt.
If I see that Google is giving me one ad, III compare the results for that one ad to the previous results that Ive had serving multiple ads in the same unit. If I find that my revenues have dropped I can either block that ad using my filters or just ask AdSense not to give me any more single ads.
Take a look at the ad format samples on the AdSense site and you’ll see a bunch of squares and rectangles filled with ads. Most of those ad units will contain more than one ad. On those units that do contain just the one ad, like the button or the half-banner, the ad will filI the space neatly and look pretty subtle.
You might be surprised then to put a skyscraper or a leaderboard on your site and find just one giant ad, written in super-sized text.
AIl the effort you’ve put into picking the right ad for your site, testing to see which formats work best and calculating which will give you the most clicks will have gone right out of the window.
You’ve prepared your site to serve multiple ads that look like content, and instead you’re handing out a single ad that just screams “Dont click me!”
This can happen sometimes, but it’s
not a reason to panic. It might even AdscvGooIe
be a reason to celebrate.
There are two possible reasons that
Google is sending you these How to ‘dVrite Killer Ads
expanded text ads.
Free 14 Point Formula Revealed by
The first possible reason is that America’sHighestPaidAdWriter
you’ve been keyword-targeted.
IIflqTHr m-n I -tur LflI
Google keeps track of your resu Its - - - -
(just like you should be doing) and
tries to serve up the number of ads __________________________________
for your page that will bring in the Fig. 3.13 You can’t miss that! An
highest amount of income. That expanded text ad strikes
might be four ads in a unit. Or just JoelComm.com.
the one.
Frankly, I ‘m a touch skeptical that showing one ad is going to bring me more revenues than showing several. But I ‘m prepared to give AdSense the benefit of the doubt.
If I see that Google is giving me one ad, III compare the results for that one ad to the previous results that Ive had serving multiple ads in the same unit. If I find that my revenues have dropped I can either block that ad using my filters or just ask AdSense not to give me any more single ads.
But if I find that the expanded text ad is giving me more money, I might stili be worried. I know that users are more likely to click ads that look like content. I also know that they prefer to have a choice of ads rather than just one option.
If 1m getting more clicks then with just one ad, it could well be that I have been doing something wrong with that ad unit in the past. I would want to look at how well it’s been optimized and whether it’s in the right place to bring in the best income.
It could well be that this single ad is a high-payer and works better with little competition. But it could also be that getting that one ad is a warning that something was wrong with the way you’ve laid out that ad unit on your site.
You might want to try some different strategies to see if they’ll increase your revenues when the multiple ads come back.
There is another possibility though. You might have been site-targeted.
This isa whole different bail game. It means that an advertiser has spotted your site and asked Google to run their ads on it on a pay-per-impression (CPM) basis.
You’re no longer dealing with tempting people to click, so you dont care how much your ad looks like an ad. In fact you might even want it to look like an ad, if that’s what will keep the advertiser happy.
The most important point to bear in mmd here is that you want to make sure that you’re not losing money. It might be very nice for the advertiser to have exclusive control over a particular spot on your page but if you can make more money serving CPC ads in that space, then you need to make sure that your site is working for you and not for the advertiser.
Again, watch your stats for a week and see if the revenues you receive for your impressions are higher than those you receive for your clicks.
Most publishers do find that ads that pay by CPM pay better, especially sites with high traffic rates. After aIl, you’re getting paid for every visitor who comes to your site rather than just those that click, so ail you have to do to increase your revenue is increase your traffic. As long as each impression pays more than you’re paying for the traffic, you’re going to be making a profit. That should be easy to calculate.
If you find the revenues are lower though, then you’ll want to boot that ad off and go back to serving conventional ads. You can do that by opting out of showing site-targeted ads (you’re automatically opted in).
If 1m getting more clicks then with just one ad, it could well be that I have been doing something wrong with that ad unit in the past. I would want to look at how well it’s been optimized and whether it’s in the right place to bring in the best income.
It could well be that this single ad is a high-payer and works better with little competition. But it could also be that getting that one ad is a warning that something was wrong with the way you’ve laid out that ad unit on your site.
You might want to try some different strategies to see if they’ll increase your revenues when the multiple ads come back.
There is another possibility though. You might have been site-targeted.
This isa whole different bail game. It means that an advertiser has spotted your site and asked Google to run their ads on it on a pay-per-impression (CPM) basis.
You’re no longer dealing with tempting people to click, so you dont care how much your ad looks like an ad. In fact you might even want it to look like an ad, if that’s what will keep the advertiser happy.
The most important point to bear in mmd here is that you want to make sure that you’re not losing money. It might be very nice for the advertiser to have exclusive control over a particular spot on your page but if you can make more money serving CPC ads in that space, then you need to make sure that your site is working for you and not for the advertiser.
Again, watch your stats for a week and see if the revenues you receive for your impressions are higher than those you receive for your clicks.
Most publishers do find that ads that pay by CPM pay better, especially sites with high traffic rates. After aIl, you’re getting paid for every visitor who comes to your site rather than just those that click, so ail you have to do to increase your revenue is increase your traffic. As long as each impression pays more than you’re paying for the traffic, you’re going to be making a profit. That should be easy to calculate.
If you find the revenues are lower though, then you’ll want to boot that ad off and go back to serving conventional ads. You can do that by opting out of showing site-targeted ads (you’re automatically opted in).
In general, the biggest problem with these sorts of campaigns is flot lower revenues; it’s that you’ve got no idea how long they’re going to last, which makes it difficult for you to take advantage of them. If you knew, for
example, that you were going to get paid per impression for the next two
weeks, then you’d want to buy in as much traffic as possible for that period, provided that you were paying less than you were earning.
And because you dont care about CTR, You could also lay off the
optimization and focus on making your site more attractive to users.
But you can’t telI when your site is going to be used for a CPM campaign and you can’t telI how long it’s going to last either. That means there’s little point in making major changes to your optimization; you might have to rebuild it
the next day.
The best strategy then when you spot a site-targeted ad on your site is to keep a close eye on the cash flows. Buy in more traffic if you can do it
profitably but for the most part, just enjoy the extra income!
3.9 Seasons Greeting With Themed Units
example, that you were going to get paid per impression for the next two
weeks, then you’d want to buy in as much traffic as possible for that period, provided that you were paying less than you were earning.
And because you dont care about CTR, You could also lay off the
optimization and focus on making your site more attractive to users.
But you can’t telI when your site is going to be used for a CPM campaign and you can’t telI how long it’s going to last either. That means there’s little point in making major changes to your optimization; you might have to rebuild it
the next day.
The best strategy then when you spot a site-targeted ad on your site is to keep a close eye on the cash flows. Buy in more traffic if you can do it
profitably but for the most part, just enjoy the extra income!
3.9 Seasons Greeting With Themed Units
There is one more type of ad unit that you can use on your site. You just can’t use it ail the time. Every time a holiday rolls around, Google brings out new ad units with seasonal themes.
The designs themselves vary according to season and location (users in Europe, for example, won’t see Thanksgiving ads).
In general, I always say that your ads should be unobtrusive but I like these themed ads. They’re eye-catching without looking like banners. When
it’s holiday-time, it’s always worth checking out the format page again and seeing what’s available.
To sum up the different types of ad format then...
The designs themselves vary according to season and location (users in Europe, for example, won’t see Thanksgiving ads).
In general, I always say that your ads should be unobtrusive but I like these themed ads. They’re eye-catching without looking like banners. When
it’s holiday-time, it’s always worth checking out the format page again and seeing what’s available.
To sum up the different types of ad format then...
Fig. 3.14 A Thanksgiving ad that isn’t a turkey.
• Leaderboards are best at the top of the page; • Squares and rectangles can be embedded into text itself;
• Vertical ads and buttons should slip down the side of the page;
• Vertical link units should be placed next to link lists; ;1
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• Horizontal link units can go at the top of the page, between blog entries or above and below directories;
• Image ads should rarely be used at ail;
• Themed ads can be slotted in at holiday time;
• And Video ads should be used whenever possible.
Those are the general rules governing ad formats. They’re worth knowing because they’re a good place to start.
They’re also worth knowing because you can’t break the rules until you know what they are... and that’s when the fun really begins!
4. Using Colors To I ncrease Your Clicks
4.1 Design Your Website To Highlight Adsense
I once went to a fashion show where each model wore the exact same black outfit for the entire duration of the show. Boring? Hardly! The show was intended to showcase platinum jewelry, and the outfits were designed to enhance the jewelry — instead of distracting the audience.
You dont have to make ail the pages on your website identical (or black). But you do want to make sure that the look of your page draws attention to the ads — and makes them appear as attractive and as valuable as platinum jewelry.
Many websites have strong graphic elements that catch the eye — usually at the expense of the AdSense units.
If you’re using AdSense, be judicious in the selection of fonts, font size, colors, images, tables and other visual aspects of your website.
Draw subtle attention to your AdSense units. Make them the stars of your show!
• Image ads should rarely be used at ail;
• Themed ads can be slotted in at holiday time;
• And Video ads should be used whenever possible.
Those are the general rules governing ad formats. They’re worth knowing because they’re a good place to start.
They’re also worth knowing because you can’t break the rules until you know what they are... and that’s when the fun really begins!
4. Using Colors To I ncrease Your Clicks
4.1 Design Your Website To Highlight Adsense
I once went to a fashion show where each model wore the exact same black outfit for the entire duration of the show. Boring? Hardly! The show was intended to showcase platinum jewelry, and the outfits were designed to enhance the jewelry — instead of distracting the audience.
You dont have to make ail the pages on your website identical (or black). But you do want to make sure that the look of your page draws attention to the ads — and makes them appear as attractive and as valuable as platinum jewelry.
Many websites have strong graphic elements that catch the eye — usually at the expense of the AdSense units.
If you’re using AdSense, be judicious in the selection of fonts, font size, colors, images, tables and other visual aspects of your website.
Draw subtle attention to your AdSense units. Make them the stars of your show!
Ad Iayout code Ad colors • Channels URL filter
Fig. 4.1 On this website, Tim Carter employs subtie design and placement to make AdSense the center of attraction. Check it out at:
http: //www.askthebuilder.com/457_Tar_and_Chip_Update_-_I t_Rocks_.shtml
4.2 Make The Border Go!
You cari more thari DOUBLE your click-throughs with this one simple tweak!
Even before the Internet, ads in newspapers and magazines were marked off with a thick, heavy border. No wonder borders and boxes have come to symbolize advertising messages.
Ads with prominent borders make your pages look cluttered. They distract the eye from the ad text, while marking off the ad blocks from the rest of the content.
Google provides an extensive color palette in your administrative area. Use it to tweak the look of your ads to suit your web page.
With just one simple click, you can match the color of your ad’s border with the background color of your web page. When the border blends with the background, it frees up loads of space. The page looks instantly neater and the ads look more inviting.
Make sure you also pick a matching background color for the ad. The ad’s background must match the page background on which the ad will appear.
http: //www.askthebuilder.com/457_Tar_and_Chip_Update_-_I t_Rocks_.shtml
4.2 Make The Border Go!
You cari more thari DOUBLE your click-throughs with this one simple tweak!
Even before the Internet, ads in newspapers and magazines were marked off with a thick, heavy border. No wonder borders and boxes have come to symbolize advertising messages.
Ads with prominent borders make your pages look cluttered. They distract the eye from the ad text, while marking off the ad blocks from the rest of the content.
Google provides an extensive color palette in your administrative area. Use it to tweak the look of your ads to suit your web page.
With just one simple click, you can match the color of your ad’s border with the background color of your web page. When the border blends with the background, it frees up loads of space. The page looks instantly neater and the ads look more inviting.
Make sure you also pick a matching background color for the ad. The ad’s background must match the page background on which the ad will appear.
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___________________ are easy to instali. white others
require the toucti and skill of a
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mats are very populaF
because you simply unroli them,
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and then caver them with the flooring
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We undersiand that maintaining the quality of your website means having control over the way it looks. Follow the steps belowto create and save up to 100 custom ad color palettes that are right for your web pages.
« Border
r URL I#008000
r URL I#008000
Fig. 4.2 lUs aiways easier to work with a white background. If your page background is white, you can instantly see the resuits with the Exam pie ad next to the color palette.
If the ad appears in a table, match the table background color with the ad background color.
The key is to blend the background and border color with the page, SO that
If the ad appears in a table, match the table background color with the ad background color.
The key is to blend the background and border color with the page, SO that
the text looks like an integral part of your web content.
Ad lavout code • Ad colors Channels • URL filter
We understand that maintaining Vie qualily of your website means having conirol over the way il looks. Follow the steps below to create and save up b 100 custom ad color palettes that are right for your web pages.
Pick colors
Choose colors for your custom color palette.
Linked Title
Advertpsers ad text lient www.ad.erti ser-uri, com
Ads by Googie
Choose colors for your custom color palette.
Linked Title
Advertpsers ad text lient www.ad.erti ser-uri, com
Ads by Googie
Choose a palette as a starting point
Mother Earth J Reset
Select colors for each ad elernent
Mother Earth J Reset
Select colors for each ad elernent
11111 III III]
Fig. 4.3 Dont forget to match the backpround color for your ad with the background color cf your web pape. Even with a matching border, the ad in the Exampie above sticks eut against the white background.
Pick colors Choose a palette as a starting point
Choose colors for your Mother Erth Reset 1
custom color palette.
Select colors for each ad element
Example ___________________________
Linked Titie
Adyertiser’s ad text bere
www, advertiser-url. com
LU3JFIJ ________
Ado by Googie ____________________________
r Background
Choose colors for your Mother Erth Reset 1
custom color palette.
Select colors for each ad element
Example ___________________________
Linked Titie
Adyertiser’s ad text bere
www, advertiser-url. com
LU3JFIJ ________
Ado by Googie ____________________________
r Background
411W [1 I#FFFFFF C Titie I#0000FF
r Border
( Background
( Background
VFFFFFF r Titie I#0000FF
l#FFFPOO r Text
ç’ URL 1t008000
l#FFFPOO r Text
ç’ URL 1t008000

4.3 Text Is Design Too!
That’s right: the text size, font, color and the color of your ads must match the other text elements. If the text color of the ads is the same as the text in the body 0f your page, it’ll help the ads blend into the site and make the reader feel that you’ve endorsed them.
And if the size of the font in the ads is the same as the size of the main body 0f the content, it will have the same effect: they’ll look like part of your site and not something brought in by Google.
That’s the sort of blending that translates into clicks.
Imorove ,uvworu riru,i
Fig 4.4 Format your text ads to maximize clicks! On my blog, I have removed
the border and matched the ad’s background color and fonts to my content. See more at http://www.joelcomm.com
This 3-way matching (titles, text and background) can generate excellent click-through rates.
Too many text styles add clutter and can confuse your visitors. lnstead, try every legitimate way to make the ads look like a part of your web content.
And if the size of the font in the ads is the same as the size of the main body 0f the content, it will have the same effect: they’ll look like part of your site and not something brought in by Google.
That’s the sort of blending that translates into clicks.
Imorove ,uvworu riru,i
Fig 4.4 Format your text ads to maximize clicks! On my blog, I have removed
the border and matched the ad’s background color and fonts to my content. See more at http://www.joelcomm.com
This 3-way matching (titles, text and background) can generate excellent click-through rates.
Too many text styles add clutter and can confuse your visitors. lnstead, try every legitimate way to make the ads look like a part of your web content.
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Tommy Lasorda once said. The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.”
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In other words use the colors to make sure that your ads don’t look like ads!
4.4 Blue Is Best
So you want to get rid of the border. You want to get your ads the same color as the text on the rest of your page and the background matching the background color of your Web page.
But what about the Iink itself, the une the user is actually going to click? What color should that be?
That’s an easy one: blue.
I used to say that ail the text in the ad should match the text on your page, including the link. After seeing an article about the benefits of keeping the links blue — and testing extensively — I dont say that any more.
The logic is that users have come to expect links on websites to be blue. Just as they expect stop signs to be red and warning signs to be yellow, 50 they expect their links to blue.
That means people are more likely to click on a blue link than a Iink in any other color.
The me in your AdSense code that sets the color of your link is the one that says:
Google_color_link = “#color”;
“#color” is the hexadecimal number for the color you want to use. You should make sure that number is#0000FF.
Keep your link blue and you can experience an increase in click-throughs as high as 25 percent!
4.5 Where Did My URLG0?
You can change the color of your text and you can make sure that your links scream, “1m a FREE road to where you want to go!”
But you still have to display the URL. lt’s one of Google’s rules. But you don’t have to display it in a way that people can see it.
4.4 Blue Is Best
So you want to get rid of the border. You want to get your ads the same color as the text on the rest of your page and the background matching the background color of your Web page.
But what about the Iink itself, the une the user is actually going to click? What color should that be?
That’s an easy one: blue.
I used to say that ail the text in the ad should match the text on your page, including the link. After seeing an article about the benefits of keeping the links blue — and testing extensively — I dont say that any more.
The logic is that users have come to expect links on websites to be blue. Just as they expect stop signs to be red and warning signs to be yellow, 50 they expect their links to blue.
That means people are more likely to click on a blue link than a Iink in any other color.
The me in your AdSense code that sets the color of your link is the one that says:
Google_color_link = “#color”;
“#color” is the hexadecimal number for the color you want to use. You should make sure that number is#0000FF.
Keep your link blue and you can experience an increase in click-throughs as high as 25 percent!
4.5 Where Did My URLG0?
You can change the color of your text and you can make sure that your links scream, “1m a FREE road to where you want to go!”
But you still have to display the URL. lt’s one of Google’s rules. But you don’t have to display it in a way that people can see it.
One legitimate trick to make the click-through Iink Iess obtrusive is to change the URL display color to match the text description color. Now the Iink wiII blend in with the text description and the eye wiII be drawn to the hyperlink instead of the URL. Google provides these tools for you. Why not use them?
Note that the 728 x 90 leaderboard and the 468 x 60 banner do not display the URL une by Google’s design. ut is not a mistake and you wiII not get in trouble for the URL not appearing with these ad blocks. lt’s just the way it
4.6 Deliberate Mismatching
When it comes to choosing colors, I recommend 3-way matching and using blue for the links. But there is another strategy that you can use.
You can deliberately mismatch your ad colors and styles, provided you keep it to the top of your page.
This distinction generates two powerful ‘zones’ and therefore two types of experience for the visitor.
The first zone is always at the top of the first page, above the main site banner. The titles and text colors match colors found in the banner graphic heading. (Important — the URL links are hidden, SO only certain text ads will allow you to do this.)
The end result is that these ads, placed above the banner graphic look like key control points for your site and are just more likely to be clicked. The visitor feels that they are visiting another major area of that site.
Want the Wedding Gown 0f your Dreams? Note that the 728 x 90 leaderboard and the 468 x 60 banner do not display the URL une by Google’s design. ut is not a mistake and you wiII not get in trouble for the URL not appearing with these ad blocks. lt’s just the way it
4.6 Deliberate Mismatching
When it comes to choosing colors, I recommend 3-way matching and using blue for the links. But there is another strategy that you can use.
You can deliberately mismatch your ad colors and styles, provided you keep it to the top of your page.
This distinction generates two powerful ‘zones’ and therefore two types of experience for the visitor.
The first zone is always at the top of the first page, above the main site banner. The titles and text colors match colors found in the banner graphic heading. (Important — the URL links are hidden, SO only certain text ads will allow you to do this.)
The end result is that these ads, placed above the banner graphic look like key control points for your site and are just more likely to be clicked. The visitor feels that they are visiting another major area of that site.
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You may freeiy reprinl Ibis article on your website or in
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Fig. 4.5 www.dressesforthewedding.com has two zones: an ad zone at the top and a free article beneath. Implementing this design increased their revenues FIVE-FOLD!
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