الأحد، 18 يوليو 2010

11. Building Content

11.1 Writing Content
AdSense works better than just about every other type of online advertising for one simple reason: the ads are relevant to the content on your page. Users click on the ads because they find them interesting.
And they come back and click on them again because they find your content inter est in g.
If your site doesn’t have good content, you’re going to struggle to attract users and links, and you won’t be able to persuade anyone to corne back to your site.
Having the right content then is crucial to having good revenues with AdSense. lt’s also crucial to the relationship you have with Google’s indexing mechanism. Remember, Google is a search engine first and foremost. Their purpose is to provide the web user with the best search results for the terms they are seeking. If you are providing quality content, you have a greater chance of seeing your search results come up higher on the page.
Fortunately, it’s also easier than ever to fuI your site with page after page of sticky content, each of which contains ad units and opportunities to earn revenue.
The most obvious way to create content is of course to write it yourself. Pick a subject you like and pour your heart out. If you know everything there is to know about video games, you cou Id set up a site stuffed with reviews, news and walkthroughs, and write ail the articles yourself. Your AdSense units will give you ads related to garning and as long as they’re positioned properly and look right they should give you more than enough revenue to fund your video gaming habit and then some. You can do the same thing for any topic you wanted.
But rernember, if you’ve created your site to rnake rnoney, then writing the content yourself rneans that you’re working for that money. When you count your revenues, you have to factor in the time and effort it took you to make those revenues.
That’s one of the reasons that rnany people look for other, easier ways to get content around their ads. (The fact that they just don’t like writing is another good reason.) Fortunately, there are plenty of ways of creating effortless content and some of them are even free.

11 .2 Making Bucks With Blogs
Writing biogs isn’t exactiy effortiess, but it is something a lot of peopie do for fun and because they’re updated reguiariy, Googie loves them. if you’re going to write a biog anyway, then you shouid certainiy be making money out of it.
The biggest challenge when writing a biog is getting ads that give you good revenues. Because your entries are going to be taiking about ail sorts of different things, there’s a chance that you’re going to get ads on ail sorts of random topics.
That’s fine, uniess your ads are bareiy giving you enough revenue to pay for the biog.
if you find that you’re getting lots of ads reiated to “biogs” for exam pie, instead of what you’re biogging about, you can try changing the meta name in your tempiate. Delete the <$Metainfodata$> tag and replace it with your own keywords and description:

Make sure that your biog has pienty of keywords and use lots of headiines containing key phrases, repeating them throughout the biog.
Above ail though, make sure that your biog has pienty of text. it might be fun to stuff your pages with pictures of friends, famiiy and pets but Googie can’t read them and you’ii end up with public service ads instead of revenue.
11.3 Adding AdSense To Your BIog
Not ail biog sites use the same tempiate 50 how you add AdSense to your biog wiii depend on the company you’re using.
For users of Biogspot.com, which is owned by Googie, you can put the ads in the tem plate section of the site:

< a name= “< $BiogltemNumber$> “>

< a href= “< $BiogltemUri$’” titie= “externai

Blog Item Titie>

You can see on my own blog at www.joelcomm.com how I put ads directly above my text. http://crayfish-info.blogspot.com does the same. The ads here are centered above the
tag and he’s added a
break tag to add a gap between the head and Google and help his ads to stand out.
To do the same thing to your blogspot blog, click “Change Settings” on the Dashboard and then click “Template Tab.” Somewhere on the page, below the CSS material, you should find a section cf code that begins:


< br>
The code should then look like this:

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