Once you’ve done ail this, you’ll be ready to start using — and profiting from
— AdSense. I ‘m going to talk you right through the process of signing up to AdSense from reaching Google to being ready to place your first ad.
If you’ve been putting off signing up until you get time to figure out how to do it, you’ve just run out of excuses!
Prohibited Clicks
And nastiest of ail are the people who either click on their own ads or create programs to do it for them.
The bottorn une is that you dont need any of this stuff. Maximizing your revenue within the rules is a breeze!
2.4 As Easy as 1-2-3!
The bottom une is that there are three ways to increase your AdSense revenue.
1. By Tweaking the Ads
to make them more appealing to your visitors;
2. By Optimizing your Website
for better AdSense targeting (or what the Google folks calI ‘content relevance’);
And the only sure-fire way to get I and 2 right is by
3. Tracking Visitor Response.
If you don’t know what works (and what doesn’t work) in trying to increase your AdSense revenue... youre shooting arrows in the dark!
The right tracking tools can reveal a great deal about your visitors and answer fundamental questions such as what they’re looking for and what makes them ‘click’. Once you’ve figured that out, bingo! You’re on your way to big AdSense bucks!
But it isn’t as straightforward as it seems. If it were, there wouldn’t be 50 many grumpy people on AdSense forums, complaining about their low AdSense earnings.
lt’s not that they aren’t doing anything about it. They simply aren’t doing the right things.
Let me assure you that in the time that I have been using AdSense, my earnings have only gone up — and 50 will yours, if you apply ail my techniques seriously.
— AdSense. I ‘m going to talk you right through the process of signing up to AdSense from reaching Google to being ready to place your first ad.
If you’ve been putting off signing up until you get time to figure out how to do it, you’ve just run out of excuses!
2.1 What I s AdSense?
Before signing up to AdSense, it’s important to understand what you’re signing up to. Many cf the principles and strategies that I describe in this bock make the mcst cf the way that AdSense werks. If ycu can understand where AdSense are getting their ads, hew they assign these ads te Web pages and hew they fix the prices for clicks on these ads or for ad appearances on those pages, you’ll be in a great position te manipulate AdSense in a way that gives yeu maximum revenues.
Unfcrtunately, I can’t really do that.
Much cf the way that Geogle runs the AdSense program is kept under wraps. I know a few things — and encugh te do a great deal with our AdSense ads. But I dont know it ail. No one outside Geogle does. And for gccd reasen. If it was clear how Geogle figured eut the content cf each website and which ads suit that site best, there’s a good chance that the Web would be filled with sites created specially te bring in the highest paying ads instead cf sites built te bring in and inform users.
People do try te build sites for ads net content, but they tend te make less money than high quality sites that attract loyal users who click on ads.
The fact is, we can make the mcst cf both AdSense and our own ad space without kncwing the algcrithms that Geogle uses te assign ads and pay sites.
That’s because AdSense is pretty simple. At the most basic level, AdSense is a service run by Google that places ads on websites. When you sign up te AdSense, you agree te take the ads that Geogle gives you and receive a fee each time a user clicks on that ad (or for each theusand ad appearances the ad receives on yeur site, depending on the type cf ad).
The ads themselves ceme frem anether Geogle service: AdWerds. If yeu want te understand AdSense, yeu will need te understand AdWerds.
Advertisers submit their ads te Geogle using the AdWords pregram. They write a headline and a short piece cf text — and here’s where it gets interesting — they cheose hew much they want te pay.
Advertisers decide en the size cf their advertising budgets and the ameunt they’re prepared to pay for each click they receive. Geogle then decides where te put these ads.
Before signing up to AdSense, it’s important to understand what you’re signing up to. Many cf the principles and strategies that I describe in this bock make the mcst cf the way that AdSense werks. If ycu can understand where AdSense are getting their ads, hew they assign these ads te Web pages and hew they fix the prices for clicks on these ads or for ad appearances on those pages, you’ll be in a great position te manipulate AdSense in a way that gives yeu maximum revenues.
Unfcrtunately, I can’t really do that.
Much cf the way that Geogle runs the AdSense program is kept under wraps. I know a few things — and encugh te do a great deal with our AdSense ads. But I dont know it ail. No one outside Geogle does. And for gccd reasen. If it was clear how Geogle figured eut the content cf each website and which ads suit that site best, there’s a good chance that the Web would be filled with sites created specially te bring in the highest paying ads instead cf sites built te bring in and inform users.
People do try te build sites for ads net content, but they tend te make less money than high quality sites that attract loyal users who click on ads.
The fact is, we can make the mcst cf both AdSense and our own ad space without kncwing the algcrithms that Geogle uses te assign ads and pay sites.
That’s because AdSense is pretty simple. At the most basic level, AdSense is a service run by Google that places ads on websites. When you sign up te AdSense, you agree te take the ads that Geogle gives you and receive a fee each time a user clicks on that ad (or for each theusand ad appearances the ad receives on yeur site, depending on the type cf ad).
The ads themselves ceme frem anether Geogle service: AdWerds. If yeu want te understand AdSense, yeu will need te understand AdWerds.
Advertisers submit their ads te Geogle using the AdWords pregram. They write a headline and a short piece cf text — and here’s where it gets interesting — they cheose hew much they want te pay.
Advertisers decide en the size cf their advertising budgets and the ameunt they’re prepared to pay for each click they receive. Geogle then decides where te put these ads.
So a company that has a website selling handmade furniture might create an ad that looks like this:
Handmade furnishinas
From baby cribs to walnut
bookcases, we do it ail.
Traditional quality, low prices.
www. handmadefurnishings. com
The company’s owner might then say that he’s prepared to pay $1000 a month for his advertising budget but not more than $1 for a click. He can be certain now of getting at least a thousand leads a month.
But that’s where his control over the ad ends. Google will figure out which sites suit an ad like that and put them where it sees fit, charging the advertiser up to a dollar a click until the advertiser’s budget runs out. (0f that dollar, how much the publisher receives is a Google secret. The New York Times has reported Google pays publishers 78.5 percent of the advertising price per click. The figure hasn’t been confirmed but it is around what most people in the industry expect that Google pays.)
That makes AdWords different to more traditional form of advertising. I n the print world, an advertiser chooses where it wants to place its ads and decides if the price is worth paying.
The newspaper too decides how much it wants advertisers to pay to appear on its pages. Any advertiser that meets that price gets the slot and the publisher always knows how much his space is worth.
Neither of those things is true online.
When an advertiser signs up to AdWords, he has no idea where his ads are going to turn up. When you sign up to AdSense, you’ve got no idea how much you’re going to be paid for the ad space on your page.
You leave it to Google to decide whether to give you ads which could pay just a few cents per click or ads which cou Id pay a few dollars per click.
Google says that it aiways assigns ads in such a way that publishers receive maximum revenues, and that advertisers get the best value for their money.
So if you have a site that talks about interior design and which mentions “homemade furnishings” a great deal, Google will assume that your readers will be interested in the sample ad above. But that won’t be the only ad that
Handmade furnishinas
From baby cribs to walnut
bookcases, we do it ail.
Traditional quality, low prices.
www. handmadefurnishings. com
The company’s owner might then say that he’s prepared to pay $1000 a month for his advertising budget but not more than $1 for a click. He can be certain now of getting at least a thousand leads a month.
But that’s where his control over the ad ends. Google will figure out which sites suit an ad like that and put them where it sees fit, charging the advertiser up to a dollar a click until the advertiser’s budget runs out. (0f that dollar, how much the publisher receives is a Google secret. The New York Times has reported Google pays publishers 78.5 percent of the advertising price per click. The figure hasn’t been confirmed but it is around what most people in the industry expect that Google pays.)
That makes AdWords different to more traditional form of advertising. I n the print world, an advertiser chooses where it wants to place its ads and decides if the price is worth paying.
The newspaper too decides how much it wants advertisers to pay to appear on its pages. Any advertiser that meets that price gets the slot and the publisher always knows how much his space is worth.
Neither of those things is true online.
When an advertiser signs up to AdWords, he has no idea where his ads are going to turn up. When you sign up to AdSense, you’ve got no idea how much you’re going to be paid for the ad space on your page.
You leave it to Google to decide whether to give you ads which could pay just a few cents per click or ads which cou Id pay a few dollars per click.
Google says that it aiways assigns ads in such a way that publishers receive maximum revenues, and that advertisers get the best value for their money.
So if you have a site that talks about interior design and which mentions “homemade furnishings” a great deal, Google will assume that your readers will be interested in the sample ad above. But that won’t be the only ad that
could appear on your page. There could be dozens of others. Google will give you the ads that it thinks will give you the highest revenues.
That might not be the ad with the highest possible click price though. If a lower paying ad gives you more clicks and higher overall revenues, you should find yourself receiving that ad instead.
In theory then, you could just leave it to Google to decide which ads to give you and at which price.
In my experience though, that just cuts you out 0f a giant opportunity. You can influence the choice of ads that you get on your page, both in terms of content and in terms of price. You can certainly influence the number of clicks you receive on those ads. Google leaves that entirely up to you — and it’s a crucial part of the difference between earnings that pay for candy bars and earnings that pay for cars.
In short then, while signing up for AdSense can be both the beginning and the end of turning your site into income, if you’re serious about making serious money with your site, it needs to be the beginning. You’ll want to make sure you’re not getting low-paying ads, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the clicks that turn those ads into cash.
2.2 Signing Up Made Easy
First though, you have to sign up. Here’s how you do it.
The sign-up page asks for a relatively small amount of information, not ail of which is as obvious as you might like.
First, you’ll have to telI Google whether you want an “individual” account or a “company” account — whether you’re a company with more than twenty employees or practically a one-man show that’s just you and up to nineteen others. That’s important for just one reason: it tells Google where to send the money. Take a business account and the payments will be made in the name of your company; take an individual account, and they’ll be paid directly to you.
You’ll also be able to choose between three different ways of receiving your money: Electronic Funds Transfer, local currency check or Secured Express Delivery. I n general, it’s better to get your money by direct deposit using the Electronic Funds Transfer; Google charges for express mail checks.
That might not be the ad with the highest possible click price though. If a lower paying ad gives you more clicks and higher overall revenues, you should find yourself receiving that ad instead.
In theory then, you could just leave it to Google to decide which ads to give you and at which price.
In my experience though, that just cuts you out 0f a giant opportunity. You can influence the choice of ads that you get on your page, both in terms of content and in terms of price. You can certainly influence the number of clicks you receive on those ads. Google leaves that entirely up to you — and it’s a crucial part of the difference between earnings that pay for candy bars and earnings that pay for cars.
In short then, while signing up for AdSense can be both the beginning and the end of turning your site into income, if you’re serious about making serious money with your site, it needs to be the beginning. You’ll want to make sure you’re not getting low-paying ads, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the clicks that turn those ads into cash.
2.2 Signing Up Made Easy
First though, you have to sign up. Here’s how you do it.
The sign-up page asks for a relatively small amount of information, not ail of which is as obvious as you might like.
First, you’ll have to telI Google whether you want an “individual” account or a “company” account — whether you’re a company with more than twenty employees or practically a one-man show that’s just you and up to nineteen others. That’s important for just one reason: it tells Google where to send the money. Take a business account and the payments will be made in the name of your company; take an individual account, and they’ll be paid directly to you.
You’ll also be able to choose between three different ways of receiving your money: Electronic Funds Transfer, local currency check or Secured Express Delivery. I n general, it’s better to get your money by direct deposit using the Electronic Funds Transfer; Google charges for express mail checks.
(What you won’t be able f0 choose is whether you’re paid per click—on a
“CPC” basis—or for every thousand times you show an ad—on a “CPM” basis.
Google decides that for you. Some ads wiII be CPC and others wiII be CPM.)
“CPC” basis—or for every thousand times you show an ad—on a “CPM” basis.
Google decides that for you. Some ads wiII be CPC and others wiII be CPM.)
Fig. 2.1 The AdSense sign up page
The next piece of information that Google demands is your URL. There’s only room for one URL, which can be confusing if you have more than one site and want f0 put AdSense on ail of them. Dont worry about if. t won’t affect how you use AdSense at ail, so just submit your biggest site for now.
Welcome to Adsense
Please complets the application foim below.
Please complets the application foim below.
Account Type
Account type [?j
Country or terntory
Account type [?j
Country or terntory
j Search AdSE
Selectan accounilype: y
Selecta country orternitoiy:
Website Information Website URL pj
• Please bstyour prnry URLor*g. Examples wwwexample com
exampIe com/sports
exampIe com/sports
Websrte language: Lcta ianguj
Product Selection Product(s) L?]
Tel us your websites primary anguage to help our revew process
Contact Intormation
E AdSense for Content AdSense for Search
First [_____________________ Lasi.
• Payee must be at tasi lB yen otage ta participete n MSense
• No ra in First narne - learri more
• Payee must be at tasi lB yen otage ta participete n MSense
• No ra in First narne - learri more
Payee name
Checks wiIi be made out to tius naine
Address une 1.
Address me 2 (optional)
State. province or regiori
Zip or postal code
Country or temtory
Checks wiIi be made out to tius naine
Address une 1.
Address me 2 (optional)
State. province or regiori
Zip or postal code
Country or temtory
Fax (optional)
Fax (optional)
• To change your country or territory. please change your selection at the top ofthis form.
Login Information Ernad address. Password.
Re-enter password Email preference
•7 or more characters ushig both digds and tters.
Subrnit Inforinabon J
Weil send you service announcements that relate to your agreement with Google In addition send me periodic newsletters with tips and best practices and occasional sueys b help Google improve MSense
The next question is about whether you want content-based ads — the type of small text ads l’ve been discussing so far, search ads or both. (Contentbased ads are better but I’II teli you how to benefit from each so I recommend that you choose both.)
Once you’re approved, you’ll just have to copy and paste a small piece 0f code into your website and you’re done!
2.3 Google Policies
AdSense works. I know it works because Ive got the stats, the checks and the bank balance to prove it. And ail of the methods that I used to increase my AdSense revenues were completely legitimate and in une with Google’s policies.
That’s important. It is possible to cheat AdSense. But you’d have to be crazy to do it. You can make 50 much money working within Google’s rules that to risk getting thrown out by putting ads on pages without content or by persuading users to click on the ads is just plain crazy.
Ive put a detailed list of Google’s “do’s and don’ts” at the back of this book. The things to look out for in particular are:
Code Modification
You have to paste the AdSense code onto your site as is. And you don’t need to do anything else! Your AdSense account will let you play with colors and placements (and getting those right is what will really rocket your income) 50 why bother playing with Google’s HTML? lt’s not necessary and it could get you a lifetime ban.
I ncentives
When the ads appear on your page, you have to leave them completely alone. You might be tempted to telI your users to “click here” or support your sponsors but if Google catches you, they cou Id well cut you off. They want people to click because they’re genuinely interested in the ad. Get your strategy right and they’ll do just that.
You an encourage your users to download the products your referral buttons promote or to use your search bar, but neyer encourage your users to click your ads.
Google is pretty picky about where the ads are displayed. They don’t want advertisers complaining to them that their services were being promoted on a site that supports gambling or is filled with profanity or contains more ads
than content. If your content doesn’t corne up to scratch, you’ll need a site that does. Once you’re approved, you’ll just have to copy and paste a small piece 0f code into your website and you’re done!
2.3 Google Policies
AdSense works. I know it works because Ive got the stats, the checks and the bank balance to prove it. And ail of the methods that I used to increase my AdSense revenues were completely legitimate and in une with Google’s policies.
That’s important. It is possible to cheat AdSense. But you’d have to be crazy to do it. You can make 50 much money working within Google’s rules that to risk getting thrown out by putting ads on pages without content or by persuading users to click on the ads is just plain crazy.
Ive put a detailed list of Google’s “do’s and don’ts” at the back of this book. The things to look out for in particular are:
Code Modification
You have to paste the AdSense code onto your site as is. And you don’t need to do anything else! Your AdSense account will let you play with colors and placements (and getting those right is what will really rocket your income) 50 why bother playing with Google’s HTML? lt’s not necessary and it could get you a lifetime ban.
I ncentives
When the ads appear on your page, you have to leave them completely alone. You might be tempted to telI your users to “click here” or support your sponsors but if Google catches you, they cou Id well cut you off. They want people to click because they’re genuinely interested in the ad. Get your strategy right and they’ll do just that.
You an encourage your users to download the products your referral buttons promote or to use your search bar, but neyer encourage your users to click your ads.
Google is pretty picky about where the ads are displayed. They don’t want advertisers complaining to them that their services were being promoted on a site that supports gambling or is filled with profanity or contains more ads
Prohibited Clicks
And nastiest of ail are the people who either click on their own ads or create programs to do it for them.
The bottorn une is that you dont need any of this stuff. Maximizing your revenue within the rules is a breeze!
2.4 As Easy as 1-2-3!
The bottom une is that there are three ways to increase your AdSense revenue.
1. By Tweaking the Ads
to make them more appealing to your visitors;
2. By Optimizing your Website
for better AdSense targeting (or what the Google folks calI ‘content relevance’);
And the only sure-fire way to get I and 2 right is by
3. Tracking Visitor Response.
If you don’t know what works (and what doesn’t work) in trying to increase your AdSense revenue... youre shooting arrows in the dark!
The right tracking tools can reveal a great deal about your visitors and answer fundamental questions such as what they’re looking for and what makes them ‘click’. Once you’ve figured that out, bingo! You’re on your way to big AdSense bucks!
But it isn’t as straightforward as it seems. If it were, there wouldn’t be 50 many grumpy people on AdSense forums, complaining about their low AdSense earnings.
lt’s not that they aren’t doing anything about it. They simply aren’t doing the right things.
Let me assure you that in the time that I have been using AdSense, my earnings have only gone up — and 50 will yours, if you apply ail my techniques seriously.
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