Fcllcw the advice and strategies I lay out in this bock and ycu shculd find that ycu get the resuits ycu want: a big fat check every mcnth from the nice pecple at Gccgle.
But it doesn’t aiways work out that way. There will be times when you’ll be scratching your head and wondering why thingsjust aren’t going the way ycu’d like them to. When that happens, check out the list cf problems here and see if ycu can find a solution.
And if you can’t find a solution here, check out AdSenseChat.com. Whatever Ive missed here, you should be able to find there.
23.1 Low Revenues
This is the bottom cf une cf AdSense advertising and if ycur revenues are lcw then it couldn’t be clearer that you’re doing something wrong.
Unfortunately, it’s going to take a bit cf work to make clear what exactly it is that you’re doing wrong.
If ycur revenues are much lower than you’d like then there are a number cf different possible reasons and ycu need te check each cf the fcllcwing in tu rn:
E Your traffic levels. If you don’t have the traffic, you won’t get the revenues. A lcw level cf traffic cou Id be one reason why you’re only making a lcw level cf inccme.
E Your CTR. Increasing your traffic might net raise ycur inccme as much as you want if your clickthrough rate isn’t ail it should be. Once you’ve checked your traffic levels, take a look at how much cf that traffic you’re converting into clicks.
E Your click price. When the ads change ail the time it’s not always easy te figure eut hcw much each click is wcrth but if ycu divide ycur daily income by ycur daily clicks ycu can get an idea cf hcw much you’re earning per click. If that figure is hovering around five cents, you’re not making much — and ycu need te be making more.
You won’t be able to make a move until you’ve figured out which cf these potential problems is yours, and it’s Iikely that your problem wiII be a mixture cf more than one of them.
Your first move then, when you’re not making the money you’d like, is to check each of these possibilities. Your next move is to solve the problem you’ve found.
23.2 Low Traffic Levels
If your problem is that your site isn’t getting the traffic it needs, there are a whole range cf different options you can take. I ‘ve covered the basic ideas in Chapter 20 — and you can take another look to see if there’s anything you’ve missed — but you also might want to try one cf the courses or bocks that specialize in generating traffic.
It might cost you a few bucks but when it comes to making money with AdSense just about any investment is worth the effort. You should be able to make it back in no time.
23.3 Low Clickthrough Rates
When your clickthrough rates are very low, you’re really in AdSense territory. This is ail about getting the right ads in the right places. There ail sorts of possible strategies that you can do and again, you’re going to have to check each one in turn.
E Are you using the right ad units?
Compare your site to the case studies in this book, to other sites on the Web and to the recommendations I make about where to put each of the different kinds of ad units. Those examples and
recommendations should be your starting point.
If they don’t work for you though, you’re going to need to do some experimenting. This can take a bit of time, but it’s well worth the effort. Try replacing an ad unit with one of a different size and follow the stats. If they improve, you’re on the right track.
E Are you using the right colors and font size?
This isa very easy one to fix. If the colors of your ads don’t match the colors on your site, change them.
E Are there better places on the page to put your ads?
Even if you’re getting the right ads and they’re well-blended, if no one sees them, no one will click them. Check to make sure your ads are in the most prominent positions. If you think you might do better if they were in different spots, move them and follow the resu Its.
23.4 Low Click Price
Raising your click price is one of the trickiest challenges in AdSense. Because Google decides how much to charge advertisers for a click on your site, you can only affect their decision indirectly. Again there are a few things that you can do:
1. Target different keywords
Different keywords pay different amounts. lt’s possible that your site is bringing up the lowest paying terms in your subject. Browse keyword sites such as Overture.com to see what people are paying for words in your field and try creating a page that focuses on the highest paying term.
If that page brings in good revenues, you’ve got a keyword problem — and that’s easy to fix. If you’re still getting a low click price, you’ve got a low Smart Price rating, and that’s going to take a bit more work to fix.
2. Buy better traffic
Your Smart Price suffers when your users click but dont buy. One solution is to buy better targeted traffic that’s more likely to be interested in what your ads are offering. For example, you cou Id try working backwards and target your traffic to the ads you’re currently showing.
3. Build better content
Or it could be that people are clicking your ads not because they’re interested in them but because they’re not interested in what’s on the page. Good quality content will deliver high quality clicks from people who are motivated to buy from your advertisers.
There are no shortcuts to building great content. You can try to focus on a topic that genuinely excites rather than building a site just for the money. You could try buying in some professionally written articles by taking a freelancer from eLance, and seeing if that raises your click price. Or you could just take another look at what your best competitors are doing — and do the same.
4. Rem ove poor-performing ads
Your Smart Price is affected by ail the sites in your account. One poor-performing site then can bring down your prices across ail your sites. If you own lots of different sites and your ads aren’t getting the price you think they deserve, one strategy could be to rernove the ads from the sites that you think aren’t doing so well.
Whichever strategy you choose, the goal will be to get more of the users to click on the ads to buy from your advertisers. You should start to see a change in your price within a couple of weeks.
23.5 Low Ad Relevance
if your ads aren’t relevant, people won’t want to click them. Try Section Targeting to focus Google on the ideas you want to emphasize. (if that works you might want to take things a littie further by turning each section into a different page. That wiii give even more ads and more opportunities to earn).
Aiternativeiy, you can play with the keywords on your page, change the titie of each page so that they inciude a keyword you’re trying to target or inciude more section tities. Ail of these options shouid heip to keep your ads on track.
23.6 Too Many Public Service Ads
Public service ads are another sign of a keyword probiem. You might not be hitting the keywords you want, or it couid be that there sirnpiy aren’t any ads for the keywords you’re airning for.
The first thing you need to do is make sure that you’ve got sornething to show instead of public service ads, nice though they are. You can specify an aiternate URL to show, use GoogieAdSensePius or try Googie Backfiii to make sure that you’re stiil earning even when the keywords aren’t working.
Your next step though, is going to be to fix the probiem. Make sure that Googie does have ads for the keyword you’re targeting (you can use one of the preview tools such as googieadspreview.biogspot.com to do this). if nothing cornes up, you’ii need to throw different keywords onto your page.
if something does come up — and it’s not what you’re getting — you can just use ail of the keyword strategies I mentioned eariier to dump those PSAs.
23.7 Too Few Ads In A Unit
Sometimes a four-ad ad unit will only show one or two ads. There’s nothing you can do about this and it’s not really a problem. If you’re getting just one ad, you could be earning by CPM instead of cost-per-click. If you’re getting two ads — as Google likes to serve them sometimes — you just have to hope that they’re doing it because it pays better.
With AdSense, you dont get to control everything!
24. Staying Up To Date And Learning The Latest AdSense Tips
AdSense changes ail the time and lots of people are following those changes. They’re talking about what those changes mean for publishers and how you can take advantage 0f them.
They’re also discussing the new contextualized advertising systems that appear from time to time and commenting on how well they work.
Most serious publishers pay close attention to these blogs and other sites. They’re an invaluable source of first-hand information from people who have been there and done that. They’ll save you a huge amount of time — and money.
Ive put a short list of some of the most important sites to look at below. This isn’t meant to be a complete list — that would be way too long — but these are a good place to start. They’ll keep you in the loop and make sure your questions get answered.
• www.JenSense.com
Jen’s contextual advertising blog is a great read. She’s always coming up with useful information and sometimes manages to dig up a real scoop (like what lies behind Smart Pricing). This should definitely be in your favorites.
• www.ProBlogger.net
Darren is a blogger making a healthy six-figure income with his online
thoughts and his advice about how to do the same thing. If you’re running
a blog, you really need to be reading it... and if you’re not running a blog,
you’ll still find enough great advice to keep you busy too.
• www.AssociateProarams.com/ discus/ index.i,hi,
Forums are a really great place to swap ideas and most importantly, ask questions. Publishers who are old hands at making serious money with AdSense are usually more than happy to share their knowledge. The forum at Associate Programs is a great place to pick up tips about everything from links to marketing.
• http:/ I Forums.DiciitalPoint.com
And the forums at Digital Point are at least as good, if not better, with plenty of information on AdSense.
24.1 Talking AdSense at AdSenseChat
Finally, there’s my own forum at www.adsensechat.com. You’ll find plenty 0f people here swapping advice and sharing news about AdSense and other contextualized advertising systems... including me.
I don’t want to blow my own trumpet toc much here, but if you’re finding this book useful you’ll certainly find AdSense Chat useful. lt’s like having your book updated constantly with several thousand smart, experienced AdSense users in addition to my own contributions.
Discussion threads range from how to make use of the latest releases from Google’s stable (you can be sure that in the time it takes you to read this book, Google will have brought out something new that l’ll need to discuss in the next edition) to what’s happening with Chitika and ail the other contextualized programs.
New ThredJ;0]
Threads in Forum: AdSense Toolbox Luuui Tou Jh this FoIj
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bel Comm (Dr. Adsense) 08-18-2005
IIhre4 j Thread Starter :fl’7il Lest PostV
j AdSense Gold - Worth the rnoney? (3i2) Today 04:12 PM 10 361
Wowzerz by zmcnultv £4 —
r Gooqie Sitemap generator phpSitemapNG 02-06-2006 04:51 PM 2 190
— - ezymoneyathome by Slithervlmp —
Adsense Buddy Data Problem 01-27-2006 02:56 PM 6 259
— Rusty byj —
AdSense Buddy vl.1 Now Availabte! (‘ 1 2) 01-27-2006 12:47 AM 10 555
‘ bel Comm by SendOr —
, AdSense Buddy versions 1.1 or 1.11? 01-25-2006 08:55 0 81
“ wildfiction by wildfiction £4 —
Adsense Buddy problem: invalid username and password 01-25-2006 10:53 AM 0 51
adstracker by adstracker £4 —
ç j. “HTML Templates for AdSense” 01-25-2006 10:18 AM 8 289
maclin byç —
Customizing Private Label Content 01-25-2006 01:20 AM 2 174
LizS —
j Adsense Tracker 01-18-2006 02:09 PM 8 666
ezymoneyathome by Er;k Geurts £4 — Fig. 24.1: Talking tools at AdSense Chat.
I can’t stress enough how important forums like AdSense Chat are to publishers. I can only update this book once every six months or once a year. Us just too much work to do more often than that. But the forums let publishers talk AdSense ail the time.
It gives me new ideas, lets me see what problems other publishers have encountered and — more important — lets everyone weigh in with answers.
Part of being a successful AdSense publisher means visiting forums, posing questions, reading responses and adding your own experience. We want to know what you’ve been doing and how you’ve been doing it.
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bigcactus G
Adsense Pioneer
L Attracting Iligher Paying Keywords
Hello there feIlow click pals I
Would you please be sa kind as to take a 10 second look at the following page Ive created... http://www .carauctionphotos.cam/2006AZKrusel.htm
After collecting a number of high paying keywords from Keyword Explosion, I created an article with many of th keywords throughout hoping they wilI attract the higher paying Adsense ads. So far t really hasnt worked.
Any suggestions as to how I can attract the higher paying keyword ads to actually show up? Gratefully Yours,
tsutton G
Super Moderator Posts: 1S
Try using contentjsection target code in the text.
- Tony Sutton
- HyperBoard - Cames, Hardware & Software
- Deaf Forum - Discussion Board for Deaf, HoH and anyone who wants to know more.
I ;1
b%stnday,at:o2PM -;0]
AdSense Pioneer
L try using content/section target code in the text.
(Try using contentjsection target code in the text.)
1m not familiar with that.. .would you please advise me on how to Iearn more?
Thank you so much!
Fig. 24.2: Forums are a great for everyone to lend a hand.
And did I teli you that AdSense Chat is free to join? Hope to see you there soon!
iread Tooki ILseardi this lbreai
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