الأحد، 18 يوليو 2010

25. Case Studies

Throughout this book, i’ve been expiaining ail the different ways that you can optimize your site and boost your revenues, in this chapter, ive coiiected some exam pies.
Ail cf these are reai sites that empioyed the techniques that I describe in this bock to make more money. iii taik you through them so that you can see exactiy what they did, why they did it — and how you can do the same.
25.1 JourneyAustralia.com — Unmissable Ads Down Under
Fig. 25.1 JourneyAustraiia.com puts its ads front and center.
it can take some courage to make your ads the most important thing the user sees when he looks at the page, but that’s the approach that JourneyAustraiia.com takes.
You can’t miss these ads! They’re right above the foid and siap-bang in the middie. They’re the first thing the reader sees even before he knows what the site is about.


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Note too the picture right next to the ad unit. That helps to keep users’ eyes in the ad zone, but you have to be very careful doing that. Google’s ban on “misleading” images is vague enough for them to act on any picture placed next to an ad unit any time they want. That doesn’t mean they wiII but you dont want to give them an opportunity. JourneyAustralia.com seems to have found the right sort of image to use. If you’re not sure about your image though, it’s best to leave it to one side.
The strategy of placing an ad unit in the middle of the page though is very simple. lt’s about as subtle as a slap in the face but it can be very, very effective.
Do you have the courage to try it?
25.2 Great I deas For I ntegration From FreeAfterRebate.com
Fig. 25.2 Perfectly blended ads at FreeAfterRebate.com.
Few sites do a better job of integrating their ads with the text as FreeAfterRebate.com. The ad units have lost their borders, the text matches

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the text of the content and the background color is the same as the background color of the Web page.
The content itself is short as well. In fact, it looks a lot like an ad! That’s a great strategy to use. lnstead of blending an ad unit into a Web page, you can create content that matches the ad unit. 1m not sure whether this is what FreeAfterRebate.com did but there’s no reason why you couldn’t do it.
First, you’d decide on the format of your ad units, then you’d create very short articles that follow the appearance of those units. Because you wouldn’t be able to include much more than a headline, a sentence or two of text and a link, you could really only use this strategy on pages that discuss products, or home pages that offer teasers to longer articles.
Look too though at the way this site uses an image. lnstead of placing a picture right next to an ad unit, FreeAfterRebate.com puts it above the ad unit. That’s another great solution to copy.
25.3 Gifts-91 I .com Gets Emergency Treatment With Multiple Ad Units
The most Adriana Copaceanu’s site Gifts-91 I .com had made in one month was $31.19 —not much more than a dollar a day. She put a main ad unit above the fold, a second unit at the bottom of the page and an Ad Link unit on the right.
After making the ads more prominent and adding more of them, revenues dou bled the following months and reached as high as $200 in the month after that!
That’s was SO simple. lt’s a great example of how just a small change in AdSense can yield massive resu Its.
Cou Id Adriana do more? Probably. But this is a pretty good start! Check out Gift-91 I .com at www.Gift-91 I .com.

It can ;1

I-landmade Chnstmas
Gifts;0] ;1

Corporate Gift Giving;0] ;1

Gift Givng Made Easy;0] ;1

The Gift of Fitness;0] ;1

The Gift of Family Safety;0] ;1

The Gi(t of à Sand Dollar;0] ;1

The Gift 0f Time;0]

Everything you have n Life is a gift. Your parents gave you the gift
of Life and love. Your siblings gave you the gift of companionship
and belonging. Your grandparertts gave you the gift 0f heritage and
[egacy. Your friends give you the gift of their time, trust and —-
Fig. 25.3 Gift-911 .com gives its own revenues some first aid above the fold...
25.4 Fire Fox Plugin Reviews — Getting Your Clicks Faster
This blog offering tips and reviews for users cf Firefox also has some pretty good exam pies for users cf AdSense.
Just see how iong it takes you to find the ads in the screenshot beiow. Do you notice how you just dont spot them right away? But as you read the content — and it’s great content — you just can’t miss them.
Again, the ad unit’s text and background coiors match the design cf the biog’s content, biending the ads in perfectiy. And by piacing the ads inside the articies, users can’t heip but read them.
There are a coupie cf other things to watch eut for though.
First, the referrai button is right in the middie cf the articie. But it’s an articie about Firefox 50 that’s iikeiy to get a iot cf ciicks. ;1

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The second thing to look at is the fact that this blog also uses Kontera’s ad system. AIl of the links relate to Internet terms — the topic of the blog — and by just moving the color up a tone from the color of the content, they stand out and look inviting.
That’s a great mixture of ad unit blending, referral buttons and contextual ad systems that can bring great results.
Fig. 25.4 Lots of ads, lots more blending at firefoxpluginreviews.blogspot.com.
25.5 Offshore BankingCentral.com Brings Home The Bacon
One of the great things about optimizing your AdSense ads is that with a little bit of thought, you can really come up with some very clever ways of blending the ads into the page.


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Offshore Banking Central
._.l— — — .— ô.
I Welcome Intro]uction to Offshore Bnkina ODenbia an Offshore Bdnk Acoewit AM1
A13 by Gooqie Otore 6a --
Ad by GoooooopI
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Fig. 25.5 A link unit disguised as a nav bar at OffshoreBankingCentral.com? lt’s easier to do this with some ads than others.
Leaderboard text links, for exam pie, can be very useful. A lot of people turn their nose up at horizontal text links. They think that because they’re so small flot enough people will see them to click on them. While vertical link units can be easily integrated into a list of links, there’s no good place to put a horizontal unit.
That’s a big mistake.
OffshoreBankingCentral.com shows j ust how powerful a well-blended horizontal link unit can be.
This site has two sets of ads: a vertical ad unit on the left separated from the rest of the page with a gray background (Id be interested to know how well those ads perform but I suspect they’d do better with a white background); and horizontal link unit at the top of the page.
That link unit just does an outstanding job.
The unit displays four links right beneath the navigation bar. Each one of those links contains either the word “offshore” or the word “banking.” Even though “Ads by Google” is still there right next to those links, they still look like another une of navigation links leading to relevant parts of the site.
I think there’s a very valuable lesson there about the value of link units.

While it’s true that link units contain very littie information, used correctly

that can be an asset. Had there been another une or two describing the site those links lead to, it would have been clear that those links are ads. As it is,

they’re perfectly blended.

How can you copy what Offshore Banking Central did?

Easy. Create a very simple navigation bar made up of links rather than tabs and place your horizontal link unit directly beneath it. You’ll need to make sure that you’re hitting the keywords in just the way you want but if you pull it off, you should see some fantastic resu Its.
25.6 Subtle Ad Linking At Sudoku Links

Fig. 25.6 Columns cf ads at SudokuLinks.com...
You have to look hard to spot the ads at SudokuLinks.com. The entire site consists of a series of vertical columns, filled with links. One of those columns is a vertical AdSense column which is placed in the middle of the page, not at the side where it would be ignored.

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This is certainly a striking example of one way to blend an ad unit into a Web page but I doubt it’s going to work for everyone. You might be able to follow this strategy on a Resources or Links page on your website but clearly the biggest problem is the lack of content.
The only content on the page consists of a small column right beneath the ad unit explaining how to play Sudoku.
That could be the sort of thing that drives down click value; Google prefers sites with lots of content rather than pages that contain nothing but links.
But you could still use this strategy on a site with dynamic content by, for example, placing teasers to articles in vertical or horizontal columns, that match the AdSense unit. And you could make those content columns more obvious than pushing them to the bottom of the page.
In general though, this looks like an extremely effective strategy. If you can make it work for you, you should see some great results.

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Fig. 25.7 .. .but flot too much content.
25.7 Go4th.org Takes AdSense Forward
Go4th.org also uses vertical columns, but this site has a much heavier focus on content and still manages to blend the ads in well. In fact, placing a ;1

Adee on th sfte;0]

Dowiiloads for Windows ;1


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vertical ad unit on the side of a blog has becorne pretty rnuch a standard layout for rnany online publishers. You have a sidebar full of links, a link unit under the blog entry headline and a skyscraper on either the left or the right.
lt’s the obvious way to lay out a blog page, and it works.
But that doesn’t mean you still can’t be creative and corne up with new ways to blend those ads into the page and rnake thern rnore attractive to users.
Go4th.org does this in a really interesting way.
The blog entry — or rather, the articles that the site posts — are positioned in a wide space in the rniddle of the page sandwiched between two sidebars. The sidebar on the left is where the ads go. The sidebar on the right contain a bunch of links to external sites.
And this is where things get clever...
The design cf each of those areas is exactly the same. Even the “Ads by
G0000gle” line has been copied and turned into “May lead to external sites.”
That helps to draw the two parts together, an idea which is polished off by
putting the word “More” above the ads and “Links” above the external links.
Those ads just don’t look like ads any more; they look like the same sort of recornrnended links that are on the right hand side.

Fig. 25.8 More links... sorry ads, at Go4th.org.


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Lookrrg back or rny Irfe brings a drfferert perspective enbrely. Each hrne I drd t rny way L farled - miserabiy. When I was eiqhteen I wanted to leave home. We couidrit afford colleqe wid there were few resources for assistance. I had few clerical sk,lIs, as I had flot taken business-related classes in school so t was difficuit to obtain eruployment that would pay enaugli for me te ive on my own. t wanted ta be a journalist. I craved freedom.’ I thaught, If I can only get out from under Daddys thumb III be happy. III find a way ta get the education I need to become a journahst.

Episcopal Cursillo
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cloquent! But she was light. I ôid flot have the freedom I craved. I soon had twa babies and an

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unlovrng husband to care for. The marnage farled. I neyer became a joumalist.

Site URL:

from the Daily Word

I could dredge up the memories cf so many failures, sa many regrets. But these would simply bore you to tears. Rather I will sum them up with this play on Deano’s sang, Regrets, Ive had a

Site Name:I__________ Contact emait:

Inipirational Gifts

few, but then again -- toc many to lrst here.
My way. Regrets, Ive had go manyh And with each regret I can see, I can usually say t was

Encouragement Gifis

because I drd it “my way.


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What s the nght way? one nightask. It took mea long bne to figure t out but I hrrally

This isn’t the only place that the site blends ads well into the page. There’s a second set of ads at the bottom of each article entry. What’s nice about these ads is that they follow a little author bio that includes links itself. That helps users get used to reading content that contains links and might be ads.
Could the site get more clicks by replacing that banner ad unit with a square unit at the beginning of the article? Maybe. But that’s exactly the sort of thing that can easily be tested.
The Littie Girl Who Saved My Baby
by Brenda R. Paul
I was at home with my nine-month old baby. He was on the couch while I went to the bathroom. While there the doorbeil rang and to my utter amazement a littie girl who Iooked to be around ten-years old stood there at the screened door with my baby in ber hand. I was shocked, wondering how she had gotten my baby out of the house,
When I went ta open the door, she said, ‘Mamn, your baby was crawling on the porch and almost feli down the stairs.” I was in total shock wondering how did he get off of the couch and out of the screen door. I thanked the littIe girl over and over again and she said dont worry and have a nice day then turned to walk away. t tumed to go into the house with my baby and thought about giving the littie girl some money for my appreciation. But when I turned arounci she was gone.
I looked up and down the Street but she was gone as if she had vanished. t neyer saw that
littie girl again. I described her to people in the neighborhood but no one seemed to know whom
I was talkirig about.
My family members bat I told the story to did flot believe me, however that was the day I started to really believe in angels. In my heart, I knew that God had sent his angel ta protect my son. He s now ten years old and very wise and interested about God and his word.
Content s syndicated by Awesome Web Esseritials from copyrighted material on
http://ibelieveinangels.com. For information on how you may add this syndication to your site, visit http://awesomewebessentials.com. ©Linda Van Fleet
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Ads by Goooooogle Advertise on this site
Fig. 25.9 From bio to banner.
If you wanted to use a similar strategy on your site though, ail you would need to do is put two sidebars on your site, make sure that they both look exactly the same but put ads in one and links in the other.
25.8 Smart Ad Placement At DogToysMart.com


New Products


Fig. 25.10 Featured ads at DogToysMart.com
The challenge for AdSense publishers is to persuade people to look at your ads without letting them realize that what they’re looking at is an ad. One general strategy to do that is to camouflage them on the page.
DogToysMart.com does this in a truly fantastic manner.
lt’s got the usual vertical ad unit in a sidebar and a link unit at the bottom of a list of other links. But above each section, the site also has a very neat header which it carnes into the ad sections.
So the left-hand side bar contains sections called “Information”, “Resources” and “Sponsored Links.”
“Sponsored Links”?
You got it. That’s where the link units are.
The right-hand sidebar does the same thing, calling the links in its ads “Featured Sites.”

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But it’s in the middle of the page that this technique works the best. There’s an introduction, a section marked “New Products”, a section marked “Featured Sites” and a section marked “Recommended Reading.” By sandwiching the ads between two sections offering valuable products, the site makes the ad section looks like it contains something valuable too. It looks like it’s been put there by the site itself and not by a third party and 1m sure it’s going to deliver great results.
The moral of this story is that one method of promoting your ads is to put them between two other valuable areas instead of at the bottom of the article or whatever it may be. That might requ ire that you create those sections specially for the purpose... but it cou Id well be worth the effort.
25.9 Matching Articles To Ads... And CelI Phones
The usual way to blend ads into the site is to do 3-Way Matching: to make the ads match the rest of the site in terms of background color, font color and font size.
It is possible to take a different approach though: you can make the site match the ads — or at least elements of it. Chris at GetACellPhone.com provides a fantastic exam pie of this.
He’s put one ad unit in the left-hand column but right above it and right below it, he’s also put introductions to two articles. The headline of each article is a link to the rest of the piece further in the site and matches the headline of the ad.
That makes the ads look like links to articles, and it’s a great idea.
What I really like about this set-up though is that there’s no space between the two introductions and the “Ads by Google” line. It makes the articles look like the ads, leaving the ads free and clear.
As a strategy, it’s very easy to copy, but Id take it further. You can match the color of the URL under the ad to the color of the links on the rest of the page and restrict the size of the introduction to just two line —just like the ads.
Make the rest of the page look like the ads and you’ll do some great matching.

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The percentage of domestic users that have tred mobte search s srrioll, but growing rapidly. Why? Because the services make sanse, they have an easily understandable value and they on be used in-rnedately. Mobile search provides you with valuable information while on the go: business directory, driving directions, sports scores, stock quotas, flight info, and more. But, what b this thing caled “mobile search?’ Simply, t is die process of locating mobile downloada and mobile information via a mobte device.
‘lJsnng a mobile device and SMS, or Short Message Service, wireless customers on now get directions to nearby restaurants and other information fi’om the curb. Analysts say that’s a potent combination, not only for consumers, but for the fast-growing Web search business,’ says Wendy Widman of CNET’s News.com. How do you use if?
Grab your mobile device and try itl Most services, such as 4INF0’s, are free aside ftom your carrier contract charges (which, for most, b tan cents per message, or less). You on choose to text message your quenes (on 4INFO, send to 44535) or access the mobde web on your phone (on 4INFO, access httir.Ilwap.4!NFo.net). Then, try die followiig examples:
Local Business Drrectory: biz type + zip code or city name
Ex: ‘towing 92111” or ‘pizza lOttl’
Weather: w + z code or cty name

Fig. 25.11 Play “spot the ads”

at GetACellPhone.com.

25.10 Brewing Up Profits With Herbai Tea
Some of the most effective optimization strategies are very simple. Some are very creative. At TeaHerbalTea.com, we get both types.
The site has three ad units above the fold: a banner ad immediately beneath the header; a horizontal text link above the content; and a large rectangle embedded in the content.
But look at how each of those units is blended into the site. The banner’s background is lime-green, the same color as the site’s background, the titles match the color of the site’s header and the URL is kept just a tone or two above the background to make it almost invisible.
The unit embedded into the article follows a similar strategy. The title of the links match the title of the article, the description is kept black and the URL is a light color so that it almost disappears into the background.


lcd Phone Rnaourc

Cet A cdl Phone Home cdl Phone Articles I Contact lis

Feattwed Cd Phone Artide

The issue cf driving end ccli phones heu become a prominent ccc. On the stases cf Newycrk, New Jersey and OC. as oeil as in the province cf Nev.foundiand, ccli phone use chue driving heu been benned. Oc pou think this is e gcod dec or net’ Os...
Ccli Phone Rawieses. Mobile Phones

shopping For A Mobile Phone’ Vou shculd Read 5ome Ccli Phone Revievo First’ Before buying e ccli phone. the first thing ycu’ra most likely te do is conduct cnrns searches on the ccii phcnes ycu’ra ccnsiderina. But chat mekes e good mobile phone?... Ada bv Gssscoscie Advertise on this sec



It’s in the text Iinks though that things get really interesting. The site has been designed so that it looks like there are little tabs above each of the links. That’s great idea. Would Google like it? lt’s hard to say. So far, it’s not doing this site any harm, and it’s not an image, but you might want to clear it with your friendly AdSense rep before you put in your site.
Herbai Tea Real Okumas Wu-Long Organic Siimming Tea
Gourmet caffeine-free herbais - view Beware ot Cheap Imitations’ Real Lose 1 Jean Size Every 7 Deys’ Ancient
photos & read customer reviens Okumas Wu-Long Tea. Green Tea Meufs Fat.
uw.adagio.corn •r.,-..,Prem,um Vuiong.ccrn .svv..ImperiaiGkinawanTee.com
P45 by Gacocoopie Aduertise on this site
y y y
Ada b Gooqie Herb Tea Ginseng Tea Green Tea Cafe Tea Plant
Tea,Hertit Tee Naiegation
Me ity Google
Tea, Herbai Tea Hustory Herbai Heaith Tee Shop Herbai Tea
Buy Green, Chinese, Herbai, Heaith Wide Variety 0f F,nest Quaiity
Tee, Herbai Tea \‘aruetues Tees
What is herbai tea?
Tea, Herbai Tea Heaith
Benefits Green Tee Extract Herbai tea, sometimes caiied tisane s flot
Get The Skiriny Oit Diets Read titis 6efore you Duy. tea, per se. Rather than tea, herbai tea is file
Tea, Herbai Tea News - name 0f most beverages made from a plant
other than the tea plant.
Contact Tea Herbai Tee Wholesale Gourmet Tee
Beairtifoly packaged tees Perfent addition f0 yrnlr store Tins & Herbai tea s typjcaiiy made bi’ pourina
Tea Herbai Tea Site Map buik boiling water over leaves, seeds, fiowers or
. other piant parts and ietttng t sit, or steep, a
few minutes until the water retains file flavor
The HerbaI Tee Directory 0f whatever piant(s) s (or are) used for file
Earn money Directory 0f Herbai Tee Deais. F,nd Herbai Tees Quickiy herbai tea. The piant parts are tfien removed
hit shnwinrs rninvant from Die iiquid, usualiy by strauning t in
Fig. 25.12 Three superbly blended ads at TeaHerbaltea.com...
lt’s worth asking about.
The sites ads don’t end there though. There’s another ad unit below the fold in the middle of the page, a Google search box at the bottom of the page and even a couple of referral buttons and an Amazon ad on the left. And with that second square ad unit turning up such well-targeted ads, there’s a great chance that they’ll get clicked.
If you’re wondering about that “Ads by Google” logo in the first embedded ad unit, Google does have a habit of testing different approaches on its ad units. It looks like they were doing a little experiment here. Lets hope they keep it; it looks a lot better than the long “Ads by G0000000gle”.



Orqanic Loose Green Tea
Rooibos, jasmine tea. oolong green tea. black tea
Varieties 0f Tea and Herbai Tea
There are numerous varieties o! reaF’ teas and herbai teas. As mentioned previously, tea cornes from the Carnell,a sinensis plant, whiie herbai teas are made with parts from other plants. Tea blends are usualiy made by mixing tea and other plants fora unique, fiavorful brew. More on varieries of tea and herbai tea»
Believed Heaith Benefits 0f Tea and Herbai Tea
Tea and herbai teas have historicaily been believed to have a wide variety o! heaith benefits. Tea naturaily contains caffeine, a known stimulant. Certain herbai teas have been said to cairn down, or soothe. the person imbibing sucti teas. More on die beiieved heaifh benefiis of iea and herbai rea»
Gougle ________ [ Search
0 Web O www.teahetbaltea.com
Fig. 25.13 ...and rounding it ail off with a search box.
25.11 Whispy Makes Ad Units Disappear!
Sometimes, ycu really dont have to do toc much to get the sort cf cptimized ads that bring fantastic results. Whispy.com has done a great job cf blending its ad links into its site.
First, it’s used links in different colors. In general, that’s not a gccd idea; ycur users expect to links to be blue se that’s the color ycu shculd make them — and the color you should make your ad links toc.
But Whispy is only using two different kinds cf blue: a bold blue which functions as the title for the profiles, which link to the content; and a lighter blue for the links in the sidebars.
When the user sees ad links in exactly the same color, heu just assume he’s looking at more content links.
This is a very simple strategy that anyone can copy: just make sure that your ad links are the same color as the rest cf your other links... and hide those ad links in a list cf content links.
Very simple. Very, very effective.

Fig. 25.14 Just a perfect example of a camouflaged ad unit. How long did it take you to find it?

25.11 Mixing AdSense With Kontera On DealOfDay.com
Ever since Google changed its policy to allow publishers to combine different ad programs on the same page, finding ways to make the most out of multiple ad units has proved an exciting challenge.
I talked about how I blend horizontal ad units into my forum on
DealOfDay.com but recently, l’ve also been playing around with adding
Kontera’s ads on those pages too.
Earning revenue from forums isn’t easy. I ‘m more likely to plan a forum as a way of supplying a service to my readers and building a community than as a way of earning income. People are just too focused on looking for answer to their questions to spend their time clicking ads. CPM ads often do better here.
But blending AdSense into the forum can work very well. And now l’ve found that adding link ads helps even more.
Notice how the two sets of ads look different and offer different things too. The AdSense ads look like category headings. I n fact, this thread category was specifically about bargains on baby products, 50 I couldn’t have asked for a better keyword there.

____ % Services
UUys Service.
FREF Psychic Readinp
Ads by GooIe
Anoel Psvchic Readinos
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The Konfera ads f hough focus on specific producf s. That’s fheir strength, and fhaf’s why if pays f0 use highly fargefed ferms when you’re using Konfera (so “Tylenol” nof “painkiller,” “Playsfafion” nof “video game sysfem”).
The result on this forum was that I got to offer my readers a range of different types of ads... and picked up two different kinds of income.
toN free numbers ta cail for baby items
Ads by Goo Baby Catalog Coupons Child Coupons Formula Coupon Bab, Pr: iu:ts zarr r -
1-800-222-9546 Free Similac, Isomil or Other Formulas, & Coupons
1-800-485-9918 Free Can of °Store Brand’ Formula from PBM Products
1-800-864-9714 Free Can of ‘Parents Choice” Soy or MiIk Formula from Wal-Mart
1-800-587-3721 Free ‘arents)
1-800-843-6430 Free “D t10t3130 rablecapsx$5195 ;(3 months & legs)
1-800-292-4794 Free °L. w/CODEINE 30 mg. Effective PAIN RELIEF. ng sreastfeeding
Worldwide delivery.
1-800-588-6377 Free Cç v. anetshcç’nq -• dfl’rïtflal._t, ;, Stickers (x5O
1-800-222-9546 Free Similac £somil arid Other Formula Coupons from Ross Pediatncs
1-800-962-5357 Free Product Coupons for Tylenol Products of Vour Choice
1-800-344-1358 Free $5 Rebate on a Case of “Babymil’ or “Sabysoy” Formulas
Fig. 25.15 Increasing my earning potential by combining ad systems on the DealOfDay.com forum.
25.12 000gle Ads And eMiniMalis At GPSReview.net
0f course, Konfera isn’f fhe only extra revenue source that you can use with AdSense units. For many sites, Chitika’s eMiniMalls can make a very profitable addition.
GPSReview.net is a great exam pie of the sort of site that can benefit the most from Chifika’s services — as well as a great exam pie of the right way to do it.
And again, it’s a very simple opfimizaf ion.
The firsf thing f0 nofe abouf fhe sife fhough is fhaf if’s producf-related. Sites that focus on products are always going to be the best option for eMiniMalls. Chitika produces very specific ads that will appeal most for people looking for producfs rafher fhan simply furfher informaf ion. That’s whaf AdSense does, and like Kontera, if’s why Chifika’s ads work 50 well wifh Google’s.

armin GPSatGP
jj jPm and have t Tomorrowl Revij ComPahsons GPSNOW on’

Fig. 25.16 AdSense finds eMiniMalis at GPSReview.net.
That doesn’t mean though that you can only put eMiniMalis on productrelated sites. You can put them on any site. But publishers with pages that talk about products are Iikely to see the best resuits with them.
There’s no reason, in fact, that you couldn’t add a sub-directory to your website that offers reviews of the products related to your topic. So if you blog about television shows, you could offer DVD reviews. If you write about mortgages, you cou Id offer reviews of home furnishings. If you write about coffee, you could offer information about coffee machines... and provide ads

that let people buy them.

Once you’ve done that, you’d be able to copy what Tim Flight of GPSReview.net has done on his site.

Tim has put a big leaderboard right across the top of the page. By giving it a frame that matches the rest of the site, he’s done a great job of blending if in

and it’s in a very prominent position

And do you see how it’s only showing one ad?

That’s probably because he’s been site-targeted by an advertiser who’s prepared to pay a premium to be sure of appearing on Tim’s site.

____ Review Shopping GPS Forums Cai-itad

I IlSearchi

RSS Feed - Atorn Feed Feed Terms cf Service


Read GPS reviews for Garmin, Magellan, TomTom, Lowrance, and others for auto navigation, handheld recreation, aviation, and bluetooth GPS receivers.

Goodbye, SVN-15 “Firebird”

Cdl Phone GPS
Fleet Tracking
Golf GPS
GPS Definitions
GPS Games
GPS Maps
GPS Patent Watch
GPS Receivers Alpine


Description Product Search f De&s j
n FHUUNIII Camera Addict $289MO Just like people, satellites have a limited life-span. And so taday we say goodbye ta a dear old friend who has guided us through the Iast sixteen years. SVN-1S was better knowr, ta closest friends as Firebird, a nickname pinned on SVN-1S by co-worker at Boeing. Bern (errr. - launehed) on October 1, 1990 the first few minutes of life were scary, beirig hurled alorig at thousarids of miles per hour from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Continue—> Goodbve. SVN-15 ‘flrebirdj


Tim has then placed a small eMiniMali between the titie and each content article so that it looks like part of the post. lt’s totally unmissable — and raised his income by 200 percent!
Personally, I ‘d have gone a little further and experimented with a wellblended AdSense half-banner at the bottom of each post to give readers a place to go if they dont want to go to the article. (On the article itself, Tim prefers to use another eMiniMall, followed by a Recommended Product Unit, an exclusive link unit supplied by Chitika to select publishers).
Id also want to put a small link unit in the sidebar... but that’sjust me. Even keeping it simple though, Tim’s GPS site is earning him great revenues.
With AdSense though, you should always be looking for ways to earn even more.
AdSense can give you huge amounts of money. It can pay your mortgage, make your car payments and send you on the sort of vacations you’ve only dreamed of. If you want, it can even let you give up the day job and look forward to a life of working at home, in your pajamas with no boss other than yourself.
Or it can give you enough money to buy a couple of candy bars each week.
The secret of AdSense success isn’t complicated. You don’t have to spend years in a classroom learning a new skill or head out to get a diploma. The principle is very basic:
Serve interesting ads to users in a way that makes them want to click.
You do that with layout. You do that by choosing the right size of ads. And you do it by blending the ad into the page.
Choosing the right keywords is important too, and SO is bringing traffic to your site at a low price before selling them on to advertisers for a higher one.
Most important though is to keep a close eye on the resu Its of everything you do SO that you can see what works and what doesn’t.

In this bock, Ive told you everything you need to know to supercharge your AdSense earnings. Apply the techniques I’ve described here, track the resuits and you should see your incomes rise as quickly as mine did!
If you want to keep learning about AdSense, you might want to check out my Instant AdSense Templates Starter Kit and my Monthly Templates program at http://www.MonthlyTemplates.com
And finally, if you’ve enjoyed this bock and seen your revenues rise after implementing the strategies I recommend, you can pass on the word — and get paid for it.
If you know a publisher who could benefit from AdSense, you can join my affiliate program at http://www.adsense-secrets.com/affiliate-signup.html and help others earn more. How can that be bad?
Good luck!

The online advertising world uses ail sorts of jargon to describe different bits of the process. If you’re confused by a term, you should be able to find your answer here.
3-Way Matching —A method of blending ads into a Web page by matching the ad’s background color, font color and font size with the surround page content.
AdSense Code — The instructions to display ads on a Web page are contained within a piece of HTML code that is copied from Google’s AdSense site. The code must be pasted onto each page on which you wish to display an ad.
Ad Rank — The order in which the ads appear in an ad unit is determined by Google. The ads at the top of the list should give you the most money based on cost-per-click and clickthrough rate.
Ad Unit —A group of ads displayed together as a set. You can display up to three ad units on one page, in addition to a search box and referral buttons.
Alternate Ads — Pre-determined ads that are served in place of public service ads when Google is unable to find contextual ads.
Channel — A method of tracking resu Its across pages, sites, dom ains or any criteria set by a publisher.
Click — A click by a user on an ad. In stats reports, the clicks column may include invalid clicks but not clicks on public service ads.
Clickthrough Rate (CTR) — The number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of impressions the ad receives. The higher your CTR, the better.
Contextual Advertising — Ads that are related to the content of the Web page on which they appear (as opposed to traditional banner ads that are served regardless of the content of the page).
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) — The amount an advertiser pays for each click his/her ad receives. AdSense uses a range of different types of Cost-Per Click: Maximum Cost-Per-Click —The maximum amount an advertiser is prepared to pay for each click.

Actual Cost-Per-Click — The amount an advertiser is charged for each click. The rate wiII vary according to the Smart Pricing rate of your site and the bidding price of competitors. Google always tries to charge advertisers the lowest rate possible.
Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (CPM) —The amount an advertiser pays each time his/her ad is displayed. Like CPC, AdSense refers to different types of CPM:
Maximum Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions — The maximum amount an advertiser is charged for an impression.
Actual Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions — The amount an advertiser is charged for each impression. In general, this will be one cent more than the price required to keep the ad in its position on the page.
Effective Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (eCPM)—The cost of 1,000 ad impressions. Used by publishers to compare income rates across channels (and advertising programs). To calculate your eCPM, simply divide earnings by impressions (so $200 earned from 50,000 impressions would yield an eCPM of $4.00).
Filters — Used by publishers to block specific ads or groups of ads.
Google AdWords — Google’s advertising program. Advertisers submit their ads to Google, specifying their maximum CPC and total advertising budget. The ads are distributed across AdSense publishers.
Impression —A single display of an ad somewhere on Google’s ad network. Page Impression —A single display of an ad on a publisher’s Web page.
Pay-Per-Click — Often used interchangeable with Cost-Per-Click. Refers to a method of online advertising in which advertisers pay only when action is taken by the user and not only when an ad is served (CPM).
Public Service Ads (PSA) — Ads for non-profit organization that are served on Web pages when Google is unable to find relevant ads or cannot read the content on a Web page. Publishers are not paid for displaying public service ads.
Publisher — A member of AdSense whose sites display the AdSense code and Google’s ads.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) —A process 0f raising a sites rankings in the various search engines. This usually involves creating Iinks from other sites, targeting keywords and building traffic.
Site Targeting — A strategy used by advertisers to choose on which sites they would like their ads to run.
Section Targeting — Lines of code used to focus Google’s robots on specific, keyword-rich areas of a Web page.
Smart Pricing —A system used by Google to determine the value of the traffic sent by your site to advertisers and to price your ads accordingly. Sites that deliver high conversion rates to advertisers earn more than sites with low conversion rates.

I regularly receive email from readers. Everyone is so excited when they apply my tips and see their AdSense revenue increase! Here are a few emails and comments I received recently.
“I hate ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes - but by doing the ‘quick’ items covered in his bock, I quadrupled my daily earning average. Yes, ycu read that right. My income went up four times!” — Raymond Camden
(www.fusicnauthcrity.ccm/Reviews/Article.cfm/Articlel D:4509)
“I dont know if you remem ber me but I was the skeptic that purchased your bock a month age. I wanted te give ycu the an update on the resuits cf implementing some cf the changes you recommended. In the month since Owning AdSense Secrets, my click-thrcugh rate has more than TRI PLED and my daily earnings have QUADRUPLED, just like the calculator on your page said! Thank ycu SO much!” — Name withheld by request
“I purchased your eBook yesterday. By 2:30 this afternoon l’ve already generated TWICE my average daily AdSense revenue. Althcugh l’ve cnly implemented the first step recommended in your bock, it looks like l’ve already tripled my AdSense income. Thank ycu!” — Kenn Nesbit
“I just wanted te telI you that I have tripled my stats after buying your ebook!” — Shawn Mcgarvey
“I really am benefiting from buying your bock! My AdSense click-thrcugh rates have increased 100% within a week cf using the tips and tricks from your bock! I have already made my money back that I invested in your bock. As a result I am presently making more money with AdSense on a daily basis than ever before. Thank you for sharing your insights.” — Kamau Austin
“Joel, I bcught your e-bock, and immediately tried some cf your suggestions. (From the time I started reading it, I cculdn’t put it down until I was done.) Te say my results were exciting is putting it mildly. We made over $500 in March on numbers that are still climbing! l’ve neyer written a referral letter before, but your bock was such an excellent value I felt obligated.” — Chris Bartram
“Just writing te say THANK YOU for your wonderful ebook. Ive increased my AdSense income by almost 300%, by applying your tips.” — Bingwen Lu

“1m flat EXCITED about your book. I just downloaded it late Iast week, read it on Saturday, and started making your
recommended changes in my AdSense Ads and some of the design on some of my sites to make the ads look less like ads. Unbelievable, but after only one day of changes on three of my sites, my click-through ratios have nearly tripled today! I have printed and read your book three times and plan to telI ail of my clients about it.” — Ed Hudson
I love to receive email like this and I hope you will take the time to write me and share your AdSense success story! You may send me feedback on my page at www.AskJoelComm.com or calI My toll-free testimonial recording une at 1-800-609-9006 x9257. International callers may use 678-255-2174.
May your Google AdSense revenues multiply! (That makes Google AND You happy!)

About the Author

Joel Comm is an Internet entrepreneur who has been
building successful web sites since 1995. Dedicated to
providing a family-friendly I nternet experience, JoeI’s
flagship site, WorldVillage.com, continues to be a
popular family-safe portai. Joel is the co-creator of
Yahoo! Games and author of the New York Times
Bestseller, The AdSense Code. Joel makes frequent
appearances at Internet marketing conferences and
seminar, conducting workshops and training others in the Iatest ways to make money on the Internet.
JoeI’s sites include:
JoelComm.com — JoeI’s BIog
AskJoelComm.com — Question submission page
AdSenseChat.com — Google AdSense Member Forums
DealofDay.com - a popular bargain-hunting community
FamilyFirst.com — Family-friendly sites reviews
More Resources bv Joel Comm








The author and publisher of this eBook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this eBook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this eBook. The information contained in this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.
The author and publisher disciaim any warranties (express or implied) merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and pubiisher shail in no event be heid hable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, speciai, incidentai or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectiy from any use of this materiai, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As aiways, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and pubhisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or apphicabiiity of any sites histed or iinked to in this eBook.

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